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发布时间:2018-05-12 08:58

  本文选题:未成年人犯罪 + 青少年犯罪 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2009年硕士论文

【摘要】: 当前各国都面临未成年人犯罪增长、犯罪率攀升的问题。未成年人犯罪已在世界范围内被列为继吸毒贩毒、环境污染之后的第三大公害,成为全社会关注的热点。改革开放以来我国未成年人犯罪呈上升趋势,预防未成年人犯罪已成为我国面临的重要课题。 本文共分四个部分,从分析未成年人犯罪概念入手,阐述了未成年人犯罪现状和特征,分析了未成年人犯罪成因,提出要加强少年司法制度建设对未成年人犯罪进行立法预防。 未成年人犯罪是指已满14周岁未满18周岁的公民实施触犯刑法的行为。狭义的青少年犯罪概念包括未成年人犯罪。未成年人犯罪特点主要表现为:在违法犯罪主体上18周岁以下的外来青少年和边缘青少年犯罪突出;在违法犯罪类型方面,盗窃、抢劫突出;在犯罪年龄上低龄化趋势明显;从犯罪形式来看,团伙犯罪趋势明显。未成年人犯罪有着复杂的原因,未成年人自身个体因素、家庭环境影响、学校教育功能缺失、社会不良影响都构成了未成年人犯罪原因。 预防未成年犯罪是一项系统工程,要坚持综合治理的方针,充分调动各方面力量,着力构建政府、社会、学校、家庭四位一体的青少年违法犯罪预防体系。笔者认为,预防青少年违法犯罪关键要从源头上预防,必须加强青少年立法防范,建立少年司法制度。少年司法制度不仅包括少年审判制度,还包括与少年刑事审判相配套的少年检察制度、少年矫正制度、少年警察制度、少年律师制度等;少年司法制度的理念在于保护未成年人利益,教育、校正未成年人。少年司法制度构建要着眼于未成年人个体差异,对未成年人实施特别保护,促进未成年人的健康成长。我国应借鉴外国先进制度,从三个方面逐步构建我国少年司法体系:建立独立的少年法、建立独立的少年司法机构、建立少年司法规则体系。此外,在少年司法领域要建立未成年人前科消灭制度、暂缓起诉制度、人格调查制度等特色制度。
[Abstract]:At present, all countries are faced with the problem of increasing juvenile delinquency and increasing crime rate. Juvenile delinquency has been listed as the third public hazard after drug abuse and drug trafficking and environmental pollution in the world, and has become the focus of attention of the whole society. Since the reform and opening up, juvenile delinquency has been on the rise in China, and the prevention of juvenile delinquency has become an important subject in our country. This article is divided into four parts, starting with the analysis of the concept of juvenile delinquency, this paper expounds the present situation and characteristics of juvenile delinquency, analyzes the causes of juvenile delinquency, and proposes to strengthen the construction of juvenile justice system to prevent juvenile delinquency from legislating. Juvenile delinquency refers to the violation of criminal law by citizens who have reached the age of 14 and under 18. The narrow definition of juvenile delinquency includes juvenile delinquency. The main characteristics of juvenile delinquency are as follows: juvenile delinquents under the age of 18 and young people at the edge of the crime prominent; in the types of crimes, theft, robbery prominent; in the age of crime, the trend of younger age is obvious; Judging from the form of crime, the trend of gang crime is obvious. There are complicated reasons for juvenile delinquency, such as the individual factors of minors, the influence of family environment, the lack of school education function, and the bad influence of society, all of which constitute the causes of juvenile delinquency. The prevention of juvenile delinquency is a systematic project. It is necessary to adhere to the policy of comprehensive management, fully mobilize all aspects of strength, and make great efforts to build a system of prevention of juvenile delinquency with the government, society, school and family in one. The author believes that the key to prevent juvenile delinquency is to prevent juvenile delinquency from the source, to strengthen the prevention of juvenile legislation and to establish a juvenile justice system. Juvenile justice system not only includes juvenile trial system, but also includes juvenile procuratorial system, juvenile correction system, juvenile police system, juvenile lawyer system and so on. The concept of juvenile justice system is to protect the interests of minors, education, correction of minors. The construction of juvenile justice system should focus on the individual differences of minors, protect minors specially, and promote the healthy growth of minors. Our country should draw lessons from the advanced system of foreign countries and gradually construct our juvenile justice system from three aspects: establishing an independent juvenile law, establishing an independent juvenile justice institution, and establishing a system of juvenile justice rules. In addition, it is necessary to establish the system of eliminating juvenile record, suspending prosecution system and personality investigation system in the field of juvenile justice.


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