发布时间:2018-05-15 22:24
本文选题:目击证人 + 队列呈现 ; 参考:《辽宁师范大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 司法实践活动中,目击证人的证言是指控被告的重要证据之一,证言的准确与否,在很大程度上决定了案件的审理与判定。目击证人的证言,主要是指在诉讼活动过程中,目击证人向当事人和司法机关提供与案发现场情况有关的陈述。目击证人对犯罪嫌疑人的辨认就是陈述的主要内容之一。从以往的研究中发现,影响目击证人的辨认的准确性因素主要包括估计者变量与系统变量,估计者变量由于是不被司法系统控制的变量,因此一般不作为心理学的主要研究对象,而队列呈现方式作为司法系统在实践操作过程中可控的系统变量的因素之一,仍缺乏一定的相关的研究。本研究在总结国内外相关研究的基础上,通过实验来具体的研究队列呈现方式对目击证人辨认的影响。 本文通过2(男、女)×2(犯罪嫌疑人在列与犯罪嫌疑人不在列)×2(同时列队与顺序列队)三因素实验设计,探讨犯罪嫌疑人的队列呈现方式对目击证言的影响。征集男女大学生被试共140名进行实验研究。研究结果如下: (1)以辨认结果为因变量,性别、犯罪嫌疑人在列与否、列队呈现为自变量,性别、在列与否、队列呈现主效应不显著。 (2)以辨认结果为因变量,被试性别与犯罪嫌疑人在列与否为自变量,被试性别与犯罪嫌疑人在列与否之间的交互作用显著(F~(1,132)=7.574,p0.05)。当被试性别为女性,犯罪嫌疑人在列时被试做出正确选择的成绩与不在列时做出正确选择的成绩差异非常显著(F~(1,132)=14.060,p0.01),且犯罪嫌疑人在列时的成绩显著高于犯罪嫌疑人不在列的成绩。 (3)以辨认结果为因变量,被试性别与犯罪嫌疑人列队呈现为自变量,被试性别与犯罪嫌疑人列队呈现之间的交互作用非常显著(F~(1,132)=11.245,p0.01)。当被试性别为女性,犯罪嫌疑人同时呈现与犯罪嫌疑人顺序呈现时的辨认成绩差异非常显著(F~(1,132)=9.430,p0.01),且犯罪嫌疑人顺序呈现时的辨认结果优于同时呈现时的辨认结果。 (4)以辨认结果为因变量,犯罪嫌疑人在列与否与列队呈现为自变量,犯罪嫌疑人在列与否与犯罪嫌疑人列队呈现之间的交互作用非常显著(F~(1,132)=8.118,p0.01);其中,当犯罪嫌疑人在列时,同时呈现与顺时呈现的交互作用接近显著(F~(1,132)=1.94,p=0.060),且同时列队的辨认结果优于顺序列队的辨认结果;当犯罪嫌疑人不在列时,同时呈现与顺时呈现的交互作用显著(F~(1,132)=6.890,p0.01),且犯罪嫌疑人顺序呈现的辨认结果优于同时呈现的辨认结果。 (5)以辨认结果为因变量,性别、犯罪嫌疑人在列与否与列队呈现为自变量,被试性别、犯罪嫌疑人在列与否与犯罪嫌疑人列队呈现三者之间交互作用不显著。
[Abstract]:In judicial practice, eyewitness testimony is one of the important evidence against the accused. The accuracy of the testimony determines to a great extent the trial and determination of the case. The testimony of eyewitness mainly refers to the fact that the witness provides the parties and the judicial authorities with statements related to the scene of the crime in the course of the proceedings. The identification of the suspect by the witness is one of the main contents of the statement. It has been found from previous studies that the factors affecting the accuracy of eyewitness identification mainly include estimator variables and system variables, which are not controlled by the judicial system. Therefore, it is generally not the main research object of psychology, and as one of the factors of controllable system variables in the process of judicial system practice, queue presentation is still lack of relevant research. On the basis of summarizing the domestic and foreign related studies, this study studies the effects of cohort presentation on eyewitness identification through experiments. Based on the experimental design of 2 (male, female) 脳 2 (suspect in list and suspect not in line) 脳 2 (in line and sequence at the same time), this paper probes into the influence of the appearance of the suspect's queue on the eyewitness testimony. A total of 140 male and female college students were recruited for experimental study. The findings are as follows: (1) taking the identification result as dependent variable, sex, suspect being listed or not, the queue presented as independent variable, sex, in the column or not, the main effect of the queue was not significant. (2) taking the result of identification as the dependent variable, the sex of the subject and the suspect in the list were independent variables, and the interaction between the sex of the subject and the list or not of the suspect was significant. When the gender of the subjects was female, the difference between the scores of the right choices made when the suspects were listed and those who did not make the correct choices was very significant, and the scores of the suspects in the list were significantly higher than those of the suspects who were not listed. (3) taking the identification result as the dependent variable, the sex of the subject and the suspect in line were presented as independent variables, and the interaction between the sex of the subject and the appearance of the criminal suspect was very significant, and the interaction between the sex of the subject and the appearance of the criminal suspect was very significant. When the sex of the subjects was female, the difference of the identification results between the criminal suspects and the suspects was very significant, and the result of the criminal suspects' order was better than that when the suspects were presented at the same time. (4) taking the identification result as the dependent variable, whether the suspect is listed or not, and whether the suspect is in line as an independent variable, the interaction between whether the suspect is listed or not and the criminal suspect appears in the line is very significant, among which, when the suspect is listed in the list, the interaction between the criminal suspect and the criminal suspect is very significant. Among them, when the suspect is listed in the list, At the same time, the interaction between simultaneous presentation and chronological presentation was close to significant, and the identification result of the line was better than that of the sequence, when the criminal suspect was not listed, the result of the identification was better than that of the sequence, when the criminal suspect was not listed, The interaction between simultaneous presentation and chronological presentation was significant, and the result of identification presented in the sequence of criminal suspects was better than that in the same time. (5) taking the result of identification as dependent variable, sex, whether the criminal suspect is listed or not, the independent variable is presented as the independent variable, the sex of the subject, the criminal suspect in the list or not and the suspect in the line show no significant interaction among them.
中国期刊全文数据库 前9条
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中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前2条
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