本文选题:强制隔离戒毒 + 决定程序 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The compulsory isolation detoxification system in our country undertakes the task of compulsory abstinence of drug addicts, and its biggest characteristic is that the administrative relative person's personal freedom can be restricted by administrative means for a long time. So it is very important to decide the legality of procedure to protect the rights and interests of administrative counterpart. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the lack of legality of compulsory isolation detoxification decision procedure, and to put forward feasible corrective suggestions on the illegal aspects in order to make it run under the premise of more legality. There are four parts in this paper. The first part is the analysis of the lack of legality of the investigation procedure before the decision of compulsory isolation detoxification. This paper analyzes the irrationality of the procedures of drug abuse detection and addiction determination in public security organs and the lack of protection of the rights of relative parties before making a decision, and points out that there are some aspects which violate the basic principles of administrative law. The second part analyzes the lack of legality of compulsory isolation drug treatment decision making procedure. In view of the lack of proper legal status of the administrative subject and the lack of a proper legal basis for the administrative coercive measures, it is decided that the exercise of the discretion of the organ violates the principle of law. The lack of judicial supervision in the process of decision points out that the enforcement of compulsory separation of drug treatment by public security organs violates the basic principles of the Constitution and administrative law. The third part is the analysis of the lack of legality of the compulsory isolation detoxification procedure. The reasonableness of the executive organ's exercise of the right of diagnosis and evaluation is doubtful from the fact that the executive organ has no decision in violation of the unified principle of power and responsibility, This paper discusses the lack of legitimacy of term change decision procedure from three aspects: the absence of administrative counterpart's right to relief. The fourth part, the compulsory isolation detoxification decision procedure legality correction suggestion. It is divided into two aspects: on the one hand, the proposal to correct the legality of the current compulsory isolation detoxification decision procedure, from reconfiguring the administrative power, changing the system of addiction recognition and diagnosis and evaluation, perfecting the protection of the rights of the determined person, This paper introduces four aspects of judicial supervision mechanism and puts forward some suggestions to correct the legality of the decision procedure. The second aspect is the conception of the legality correction of the decision procedure of compulsory isolation of drug treatment in the future. By comparing the system with the compulsory medical procedure of mental patients who are not criminally responsible according to law, this paper points out the similarities between the two systems, and draws lessons from the compulsory medical procedures to conceive a new system of compulsory judicial isolation and detoxification. It is suggested that the decision procedure should be incorporated into the judicial procedure so as to guarantee the premise of legality of its implementation.
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