本文选题:贪利型职务犯罪 + 特征 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 理论上讲,存在两种意义上的职务犯罪概念:一是应然的职务犯罪;一是实然层面的职务犯罪。在实然层面上,职务犯罪是指国家工作人员实施的、与其职务密切联系的、严重危害社会的各种行为的总称。我国检察机关直接侦查的职务犯罪案件包括贪利型职务犯罪、渎职型职务犯罪和侵权型职务犯罪三大类,其中贪利型职务犯罪占75%左右,因此,加强贪利型职务犯罪研究,显得尤为紧迫和意义重大。 当前,职务犯罪在一些行业和领域日益突出,贪利型职务犯罪形势尤其严峻,呈现以下特征:犯罪数量高位运转,形成职务犯罪的“犯罪高原”;大要案比例稳步上升,党政要员犯罪、群体犯罪突出,低龄化趋势明显,家庭犯罪多;犯罪手段日益隐蔽和多样;发案领域相对集中,同时有存在扩散蔓延现象;跨国家(地区)逃避制裁现象严重。 从人性哲学、社会学、经济学、文化学等层面分析,导致贪利型职务犯罪多发的原因具体表现为:人性贪婪的弱点与权力异化的贪利型职务犯罪产生的根本原因;现阶段出现在国家工作人员身上的紧张关系,是产生贪利型职务犯罪的时代原因;犯罪的低成本高收益是贪利型职务犯罪高发的助推力,促成犯罪心理产生的职务犯罪亚文化是贪利型职务犯罪不断扩散蔓延的“催化剂”。 从哲学上看,人是善与恶的统一体,因此犯罪预防既有必要性又有可能性,只要防控措施科学、可行,犯罪预防的可能性就能够向现实性转化。只要树立科学的防控理念,确立合理的防控目标,采取可行的防控措施,一定能取得很好的防控效果。我国当前贪利型职务犯罪的防控而言,应当在通过教育培养正确的价值观念、建立和落实奖惩机制、实施公职人员财产申报制度等方面采取措施,达到对犯罪动机的抑制;通过减少政府对资源的直接配置、防止权力过度集中、建立领导干部全程财务审计制度、强化专门机关的监督职能、进一步完善政务公开制度、改良公务活动的外部诱惑的措施,实现犯罪机会控制;在完善贪利型职务犯罪刑事法律制度,加大贪利型职务犯罪侦办力度等方面来加强对贪利型职务犯罪行为的惩治。
[Abstract]:In theory, there are two concepts of Duty Crime: one is the duty crime, the first is the duty crime in the real level. In the real level, the duty crime is the general name of the state staff, which is closely related to their duties and is seriously endangering the society. The cases include three categories of corruption - type duty crime, malfeasance duty crime and tort type duty crime, of which 75% of the crime and profit type duty crime is about 75%. Therefore, it is very urgent and significant to strengthen the study of the corruption type duty crime.
At present, job crime is becoming more and more prominent in some industries and fields, and the situation of corruption based duty crime is particularly severe, showing the following characteristics: the number of crimes is high and the "crime plateau" of the crime of duty is formed; the proportion of major cases has risen steadily, the party and government key members crime, the group crime prominent, the trend of the low age is obvious, the family crime is much more; crime means day Benefits are hidden and diverse; the field of crime is relatively concentrated, and there is a phenomenon of spreading and spreading; and cross country (regional) evasion of sanctions is serious.
From the analysis of human philosophy, sociology, economics, and culture, the causes of the frequent occurrence of the corruption of the duty crime are as follows: the root cause of the corruption of the human greed and the corruption of the power alienation; the tense relations on the national staff at this stage are the times of producing the crime of greedy and profitable duty. The reason is that the low cost and high income of the crime is the propelling force of the high incidence of the corruption type duty crime, and the subculture of the duty crime, which resulted in the criminal psychology, is the "catalyst" for the spread and spread of the corruption type duty crime.
Philosophically, people are the unity of good and evil, so the prevention of crime is both necessary and possible. As long as the prevention and control measures are scientific and feasible, the possibility of crime prevention can be transformed into reality. So long as the scientific concept of prevention and control is established, a reasonable prevention and control goal is established, and the feasible prevention and control measures are adopted, a good prevention and control will be achieved. As far as the prevention and control of the current corruption type duty crime in China is concerned, we should cultivate correct values, establish and implement the mechanism of reward and punishment through education, implement the property declaration system of public officials and so on, and take measures to restrain the motive of the crime; by reducing the direct allocation of the resources by the government, preventing the excessive concentration of power, and establishing a collar. To guide the whole financial audit system of the cadres, strengthen the supervision function of the special organs, further improve the public system of government affairs, improve the external temptation of the public affairs activities, and realize the control of the opportunity of crime. Punishment of the act of guilt.
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