本文选题:灭火救援 + 社会自治 ; 参考:《山西大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:"promoting the modernization of national governance system and governing ability", as the overall goal of deepening reform formally put forward by the third Plenary session of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee, has profound theoretical and practical significance. From the "national management mode" adopted by our government for a long time to the "innovation of social governance system", it is not only the transformation of the general strategy of governing the country, but also the transformation of the governing concept. As an important part of social public security service, fire safety is directly related to every citizen's most basic right to life and property. Constitutional jurisprudence mainly studies the allocation of public power and public power, and the category and relationship between public power and private right, the core of which is to limit public power and protect private right. In our country, the main body of fire fighting and rescue can be regarded as the main body of public power in general, and people hold fire fighting and rescue as the function of the state deeply rooted in the concept, which is carried out by the public power of the state. On the other hand, people think that the public affairs such as fire fighting and rescue can belong to social autonomy, and the duty of the state is to direct and dispatch the rescue forces, or to give help when the social voluntary fire fighting forces can not effectively extinguish the fire. In recent years, fire fighting and rescue accidents occur frequently in our country. The fire protection system under active service system has gradually not adapted to the development needs of today's society, the national function can not be realized well, and the basic rights of citizens can not be effectively guaranteed. In order to promote the modernization of national fire control system and management ability and promote the construction of peaceful China, people have been calling for fire fighting and rescue to be professionalized. But the fire-fighting problem is more professional on the technical level, and it involves all aspects of the society. At present, almost all the researches on fire fighting and rescue in our country are based on the fire protection system, so it is difficult to break out of the existing institutional framework. The author believes that the core of fire fighting and rescue is people-oriented, the purpose of fire-fighting and rescue is to protect citizens' right to life and property, and the choice of fire-fighting and rescue system is only the way to realize the protection of right. In order to better extinguish and rescue, protect the right and solve the existing problems of the main body of fire fighting and rescue, we should not only discuss the fire protection system on the basis of fire protection system, but also from the root of fire fighting and rescue-the basic theory of state and citizen. The form of state structure, especially the theory of power allocation of central district, is discussed by using relevant constitutional principles, which is the carrier of fire fighting and rescue organization system and source of funds. From the root thoroughly clear the obstacles that affect the fire fighting and rescue to professional transformation. Only by analyzing the source of power, organization structure and financial allocation, can we combine reality better and solve the problem. In other words, only the research results of the theory of constitutional law can provide the basic value judgment standard and practical action guide for the research of fire fighting and rescue professional system, so as to clear the root of the fire fighting and rescue system.
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