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发布时间:2018-06-06 03:43

  本文选题:激励 + 公安干警 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In order to further improve the work enthusiasm and efficiency of the police, the public security system has been constantly trying to encourage the theory of effective combination with the management of the police force. The lack of flexibility in the management of the police force in the past, the lack of incentive and restraint mechanisms in the modern sense, and the use of rigid regulations such as traditional laws and internal regulations have seriously constrained the vitality of the police force. Formed the wrong idea that abiding by the law and abiding by the regulations is a good job for the police, the enthusiasm of the police can not be brought into full play, so that the enthusiasm of the police in the actual work is not high. According to the scientific and reasonable encouragement, it is necessary to stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of the public security police team, so as to realize the effective supervision and management of the public security, so as to contribute to the social stability and create a good opportunity. Through the research of this problem, this paper can effectively improve the level of incentive measures of Qingdao Public Security Bureau to the police, enhance the enthusiasm of the police, and have important practical significance to maintain the harmony and stability of Qingdao. Through the investigation and study of the incentive measures of the public security officers and policemen of Qingdao Public Security Bureau, it can be seen that the main incentive methods are not in place, the effect of the material incentive is not ideal, the individual growth incentive is missing, and the honor incentive effect is not good. Safety incentive needs to be strengthened. This paper tries to put forward some countermeasures and suggestions to solve the above problems: scientific work analysis, clear assessment criteria, thorough job evaluation, determination of post level, implementation of competition, fair opportunities; Select high-quality examiners, carry out 360-degree appraisal, determine a reasonable appraisal period, do a good job of communication and feedback on performance appraisal, establish a fair competitive job promotion system, establish a fair and reasonable salary distribution system, expand the content form, Improve the quality of training; strengthen the spirit of motivation, the establishment of long-term motivation and so on.


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