本文选题:货币犯罪 + 假币犯罪案件 ; 参考:《中国人民公安大学学报(社会科学版)》2009年02期
[Abstract]:At present, the total amount of currency crimes in China is reduced, the major cases are prominent, the main body of the crime is complex, the means of crime are high-tech, the source of counterfeit coins is transferred to the mainland and inland, the counterfeit currency flows from south to north, and the problem of counterfeit coins is highlighted. Counterfeit currency diversified development and other characteristics. At present, the reasons for the high incidence of currency crime are: chasing high profits, having a psychology of taking chances, huge cash flow in the market, backward level of economic development, the people's ability to identify the genuine and false money and a weak sense of active prevention. The psychology and practice of people's irresponsibility and transferring losses, the maladjustment of social control mechanism and the slack of government departments, the difficulty of detecting counterfeit currency crime cases, the exorbitant standard of prosecution of counterfeit currency cases, and the insufficiency of criminal punishment.
【作者单位】: 中国刑事警察学院;
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