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law on public security administration punishments 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-12-12 17:26







law on public security administration punishments

  • 治安管理处罚法(2)

         On Spirit of Law behind "Law on Public Security Administration Punishments"——Thoughts on Comparison with "Rules on Public Security Administration Punishments"



         We should take the following points into consideration when enforce Law on Public Security Administration Punishments: the relations between Law on Public Security Administration Punishments and Law on Administrative Punishments is special law and common law;




         On the Transplantation of Law



         Applying the law.



         Revenge and Law



         On the Conservatism of Law



         On the "Public Benefit"



    查询“law on public security administration punishments”译词为用户自定义的双语例句

    "Law on Public Security Administration Punishments"comes on when running state affairs according to law and building a country under the rule of law become the mainstream.While pursuing the order of social administration,it controls police power to the greatest possible extent,regulates the use of pubic power,respects and protects human rights,and attempts to keep the balance between maintaining public interests and protecting human rights.It contains the spirit of rule of law...

    "Law on Public Security Administration Punishments"comes on when running state affairs according to law and building a country under the rule of law become the mainstream.While pursuing the order of social administration,it controls police power to the greatest possible extent,regulates the use of pubic power,respects and protects human rights,and attempts to keep the balance between maintaining public interests and protecting human rights.It contains the spirit of rule of law in the value of legislation.


    We should take the following points into consideration when enforce Law on Public Security Administration Punishments: the relations between Law on Public Security Administration Punishments and Law on Administrative Punishments is special law and common law; Law on Public Security Administration Punishments has some common areas with Criminal Law; the principle that punishment must be prescribed by law should not be given up; the mind state should not be...

    We should take the following points into consideration when enforce Law on Public Security Administration Punishments: the relations between Law on Public Security Administration Punishments and Law on Administrative Punishments is special law and common law; Law on Public Security Administration Punishments has some common areas with Criminal Law; the principle that punishment must be prescribed by law should not be given up; the mind state should not be regarded as a constitutive elements of public security administration punishments and multi-standards of proof must be established when public security organs affirm illegal fact.







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