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发布时间:2018-07-22 17:36
【摘要】: 我国社区外国人管理是指国家政府主管机关依据宪法和有关法律、法规,对在中国的外国人入境、过境、出境和在我国境内居留、旅行及其他有关事务所实施的一种行政管理。随着我国改革丌放的不断深入和对外交往的同趋频繁,来华外国人人数逐年递增。对我国境内数目庞大、只益增多的外国人实施有效监督、管理和控制,是我国社会治安工作中面临的一个新挑战。我国要构建和谐社会,公安机关应强化对社区外国人的有效管理,因此,外国人管理工作在公安工作的地位同盏重要。当前和今后一个时期内,公安机关对外国人管理总的要求是坚持现居住地的管理原则,把外国人纳入实有人口管理范围。 加强社区外国人管理,维护城市公共安全,是上海国际化大都市建设进程中不可回避、敏感性很强的问题,也是衡量城市综合管理工作水平的重要标准。当前,本市涉外不安定因素愈发突出,外国人在沪违法犯罪活动日趋增多,非法移民问题初步显现,恐怖主义等非传统安全问题已经成为影响上海地区安全稳定的潜在因素,对国际化大都市建设健康发展构成威胁,因此也给构建和谐社会和2010年世博会安全构成了隐患。 本文采取点面结合、以点为主的研究方法,积极思考上海社区外国人管理工作的现状,以北京、广州为例,就上海社区外国人管理现状提出解决问题的对策。在此基础上,按照公共管理多元主体治理理论与公安管理的社区警务理论及情报信息主导警务理论,提出建立将外国人纳入实有人口管理的“大外管”体系,探索完善既具有中国特色、符合上海国际化大都市发展特点,又与国际通行做法接轨、符合国际惯例的外国人工作机制,以实现对在沪外国人的有效管理和优质服务,确保本市涉外领域安全和稳定。
[Abstract]:The administration of community foreigners in China refers to the administration of the entry, transit, exit and residence, travel and other related affairs of foreigners in China by the competent authorities of the state government in accordance with the Constitution and relevant laws and regulations. With the deepening of China's reform and opening and the frequent exchanges with foreign countries, the number of foreigners coming to China is increasing year by year. It is a new challenge to supervise, manage and control the large number of foreigners in our country. In order to build a harmonious society, the public security organs should strengthen the effective management of the foreigners in the community. Therefore, the management of foreigners is of the same importance in the public security work. At present and in the near future, the general requirement of the public security organs for the management of foreigners is to adhere to the principle of the management of the present residence and to bring foreigners into the scope of real population management. To strengthen the management of community foreigners and to maintain the public safety of the city is an unavoidable and sensitive issue in the construction process of Shanghai's cosmopolitan city. It is also an important standard to measure the level of urban comprehensive management. At present, the factors of instability concerning foreign affairs in this city are becoming more and more prominent, the illegal and criminal activities of foreigners in Shanghai are increasing day by day, the problem of illegal immigrants is initially emerging, and non-traditional security issues such as terrorism have become potential factors affecting the security and stability of the Shanghai region. It poses a threat to the healthy development of the international metropolis, and thus poses a hidden danger to the construction of a harmonious society and the safety of the 2010 World Expo. In this paper, the author takes the point-to-face approach as the main research method, actively considers the current situation of the community foreigner management in Shanghai, taking Beijing and Guangzhou as examples, puts forward the countermeasures to solve the problems in the current situation of the community foreigner management in Shanghai. On this basis, according to the multi-subject governance theory of public administration, the community policing theory of public security management and the theory of intelligence and information leading policing, this paper puts forward the establishment of a "large external management" system to bring foreigners into the real population management. To explore and improve the working mechanism of foreigners with Chinese characteristics, in line with the characteristics of the development of Shanghai's cosmopolitan cities, in line with international practices and international practices, in order to achieve effective management and quality service for foreigners in Shanghai, To ensure the safety and stability of the foreign-related areas of the city.


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