[Abstract]:Alexithymia (Alexithymia) is a kind of emotional imperfection, which is not considered as an independent mental disease and can be regarded as a personality characteristic. Its typical manifestations are: illegibility, recognition and expression of their own feelings; lack of fantasy; ideological rigidity, utilitarian way of thinking. Currently, one of the trends in alexithymia is to examine its characteristics in more diverse populations. On the basis of domestic and foreign existing research results, this study comprehensively uses literature analysis, questionnaire survey and other research methods and factor analysis, variance analysis, regression analysis, etc. The influence factors of alexithymia in Chinese prisoners were systematically studied by statistical techniques such as path analysis. Objective: (1) to investigate the information of alexithymia scale (TAG-20 Chinese version) in Chinese prison population, (2) to investigate the influencing factors of alexithymia and the relationship between alexithymia and basic personality traits (16PF5) in Chinese prisoners; (3) to establish the norm of alexithymia among Chinese prisoners (TAS-20 Chinese version). The main conclusions are as follows: (1) TAS-20 (Chinese version) has good reliability, validity and strong applicability in the group of prisoners. It can be used in a more extensive and in-depth study in the group of prisoners. 2. In this study sample, 43.7% of the prisoners had obvious characteristics of alexithymia. It shows that there is a significant proportion of alexithymia in Chinese prisoners. At the same time, this study showed that sex, marital status, education level, age and other variables in demographic and sociological variables significantly affected the score of alexithymia (TAS-20), and the score of alexithymia (TAG-20) in criminological variables was significantly higher than that in the non-criminal control group. The score of alexithymia (TAS-20) of violent offenders was significantly higher than that of non-violent offenders. Sex, marital status, education level, age, type of crime and other variables can be considered as influencing factors of alexithymia. In terms of demographic and sociological variables, older age, poor marital status, low education level, female subjects tend to have obvious alexithymia characteristics, and in criminological variables, female subjects are more likely to have significant alexithymic characteristics. Violent offenders are more likely to have obvious alexithymia than non-violent offenders. There is a significant correlation between alexithymia and some personality factors in 16PF. And some personality factors can predict alexithymia score (TAS-20 factor score and total score). There was a significant correlation between alexithymia and major five personality traits as well as depression, and some personality traits could predict alexithymia score (TAS-20 factor score and total score). The results of this study support the view that alexithymia can be regarded as a personality trait, but the existing personality model can not fully include and explain alexithymia. Path analysis showed that personality traits can directly affect alexithymia as well as alexithymia through depression. 4. The study preliminarily established the male, female and educational norm of alexithymia (TAS-20) in Chinese prisoners.
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