[Abstract]:The year 2008 is the "year of mass events", and various group events triggered by different demands have sprung up one after another, from "Weng'an in Guizhou" to "Menglian in Yunnan", from "Longnan in Gansu" to "ancient Shaanxi Province", and from Chongqing. Sanya and other taxi drivers strike, to Harbin, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other police conflict incidents. Some mass incidents appeal to the group and the government from the initial dialogue to confrontation, directly impact the party and government organs, and take violent means such as beating, smashing, looting and burning, causing great losses to the party and government. A number of mass incidents were quickly appeased, including the strike of taxi drivers in Chongqing and Sanya, and all kinds of mass incidents were generally properly resolved. Dealing with successful experiences and unsuccessful lessons reminds governments of the need to break through inertia and old patterns to the maximum extent, to respond to mass incidents in a more relaxed, peaceful and humane manner, and to establish mechanisms for departmental linkage and social consultation, Turn the success of the case into the advantage of the mechanism and expand the inclusiveness of the whole system for group events. In this paper, we first review some research literatures and theoretical achievements on group events at home and abroad, summarize the main viewpoints and disposal strategies of group events at home and abroad, and distinguish the concepts of sudden group events from organized group events. Choosing Wenzhou, an open eastern coastal city with complicated social and civil conditions, as the research sample for the classification of group events, we strive to maximize the coverage of the mainstream group events in China in recent years. From the angle of government itself, the root of inducing group events is analyzed. On this basis, this paper attempts to retrieve the 2008 "Guizhou Weng'an", "Gansu Longnan", "Yunnan Menglian", "Chongqing Taxi strike", which has a far-reaching impact on the whole country in 2008. Five mass events, such as "strike by teachers in Sichuan and Chongqing", are taken as the specific research objects. The basic situation of the whole event, the process of handling, the background of occurrence and the problems existing in the process of dealing with the incident are analyzed. This paper puts forward some concrete and operable countermeasures for the joint handling of group incidents by government departments and the establishment of social consultation mechanism.
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