[Abstract]:With the increasing number of extreme global climate and the serious damage to natural environment in some areas, disasters such as earthquakes, mudflows, floods, freezing rain and snow, collapse of buildings and so on occur frequently at home and abroad. Disasters and accidents are large-scale, complex, diversified development, social emergency relief mission is increasingly serious. However, the government of our country is not perfect enough in the mechanism of emergency and rescue. The phenomena of "separating soldiers" and "fighting on their own" among various government functional departments are common, and the social emergency rescue forces and resources have not been effectively integrated. When dealing with complex large-scale disasters and accidents, all rescue teams are unable to undertake rescue tasks alone, and when participating in war rescue teams work together, the coordination and coordination are not smooth, the operational command is disordered, and the overall combat effectiveness is low. The lack of clear division of duties and tasks has seriously affected the smooth development of emergency relief activities. Through the case analysis of Wenchuan earthquake rescue work on "5.12" and the comparative analysis of fire emergency rescue mechanism at home and abroad, this paper will find out the existing problems and weak links in the fire emergency rescue mechanism of our province at present. On this basis, the new mode and method of fire emergency rescue mechanism in Guangdong Province in the new period are put forward. This paper is divided into five parts, the first part is the introduction. Including the background, significance, research content and research methods, and domestic and foreign research status. The second part is to elaborate the concept of fire emergency rescue mechanism and introduce the composition, operation characteristics and relevant policies and regulations of fire emergency rescue mechanism in China. The third part is to introduce the operation mode of fire emergency rescue mechanism in developed countries and Hong Kong, China, and sum up several experiences and enlightenments that can be used for reference. The fourth part is to introduce the social and economic characteristics of Guangdong Province and the current situation of active fire fighting troops, analyze the problems and weak links in the operation of fire emergency rescue mechanism in Guangdong Province, sum up the deep causes of the problems. In order to carry out reform and innovation. The fifth part is about the innovation research of the fire emergency rescue mechanism in the new period, and puts forward the innovation mode of perfecting the fire emergency rescue mechanism in Guangdong province. Finally, it is a conclusion. This study has great reference value for deepening the reform of fire emergency rescue mechanism, improving the ability of fire emergency rescue, promoting the improvement of the current emergency rescue mechanism of the government, and constructing the prevention and control system of social disasters and accidents.
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