[Abstract]:Our country's public security organ is an important national criminal judicature and public security administrative power with armed nature, the law gives it many special powers, must establish the scientific, strict, effective supervision system. At present, with the deepening of reform and opening up and the construction of a socialist market economy system in China, the number of violations of law and discipline by public security organs and their people's police has increased substantially. The reason for this is that the current multi-sector internal supervision system is not perfect enough. The inability to fully adapt to the needs of the job is an important factor. In line with the trend of the reform of the large department system of state administration and the demands of the internal supervision of public security, it is an inevitable choice to reform the current internal supervision system of public security and to construct the internal supervision system of large departments. The internal supervision system of a large public security department refers to the establishment of the only internal supervision department, a supervisory committee, at or above the county level and above the county level with a large number of people. In order to avoid the overlapping of duties and duties, and to improve the efficiency of supervision, the organizational form and the relationship model of supervision efficiency can be improved by rationally allocating the functions and powers of the internal supervision of public security. To build up the internal supervision system of large public security departments, to integrate the current public security discipline inspection (supervision), police inspectors, legal system, audit, letters and visits, supervision and other departments in the main body of supervision, In the national public security organs at and above the county level and at the county level and above the number of people, public security bureaus and work departments have set up the only deliberative internal supervision department, a supervisory committee, a permanent discipline inspection committee, an inspector, and a legal system, The four non-independent internal bodies, such as audit, solve the existing problems of unclear functions, overlapping institutions, fighting for their own affairs, and various branches of government in the current system; in terms of supervisory power, they will have the power to make decisions in the work of supervision. The executive power and the supervisory power are separated as far as possible and the supervisory committee and its internal organization are given respectively to solve the problems such as the unscientific allocation of supervision power existing in the current system and the lack of self-supervision power allocation leading to the abuse of supervisory power and inadequate performance of duties and so on. In the aspect of operation mechanism, we should change the current practice of dividing and constructing the working operation mechanism with different standards, take the function and responsibility as the dividing standard, establish the decision making and self-supervision of major matters, publicize and educate, violate the law and discipline, and deal with the matter of letters and visits. Seven major operational mechanisms, such as responsible and disciplinary inspectors, examination and approval of laws and inspection of law enforcement, audit of property management, comprehensive coordination, etc. To solve the problems existing in the current system, such as the intersection of operational mechanisms, especially the lack of self-supervision mechanisms of propaganda and education departments and supervision departments; in the system, the "regulations on Supervision of Public Security organs" should be promulgated, the current system should be cleaned up, and a new system should be formulated. Under the supervision regulations of the Public Security organs, to make decisions on major matters, to publicize and educate, to deal with violations of law and discipline, to handle letters and visits, to perform duties and to observe discipline, to examine and approve laws, to inspect law enforcement, to audit property management, Comprehensive coordination and other seven aspects of the system are complete in content, reasonable in structure, complete in function, scientific in use, corresponding to function, power and mechanism in a complete legal system of public security supervision, to solve the system structure disorder existing in the current system. Conflicts and lack of legitimacy in some systems.
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