DNA genetic markers used in forensic laboratories at home and abroad can be divided into two categories: nuclear genomic DNA and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Compared with nuclear DNA, mtDNA has many incomparable advantages, such as high copy number, low requirement for sample wood quality and low demand for sample wood. This feature is very suitable for courts with very few cells or serious degradation. Scientific biological samples, such as bone, hair, nails, trace bloodstains and so on, have been widely used in forensic science. In addition, besides satisfying the two basic requirements of forensic biology, such as individual identification and kinship identification, mtDNA has been more and more applied in all aspects of forensic science.
In recent years, the research of mtDNA has been deepening. The detection of mitochondrial DNA depends on the sensitivity of detection methods to a great extent, so it is very important to select the appropriate analysis technology. The instrument and its corresponding kits are expensive, time-consuming, and require high quality of the operators themselves. The practical application is often limited and difficult to carry out at the grass-roots level. Single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) The technology is a classical mutation screening technology, which is characterized by low cost, simple equipment requirements, short cycle, and very suitable for laboratory routine technical typing.
In view of the characteristics of mtDNA, such as its unique ring structure and more copies, it has a stronger resistance to degradation and corruption, and plays an important role in forensic testing of bone, hair and other special biological samples. In order to establish a suitable technology for basic-level laboratory analysis, this study will use PCR-SSCP and PCR-RFLP methods to carry out more mitochondrial DNA. Analysis of the state provides basic data for forensic personal identification, paternity testing and population genetics.
Materials and methods
The blood samples of 1,150 unrelated healthy individuals and 30 families of two generations in Liaoning Province were 200 ml. The major organs (heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, brain) 0.5 cm *0.5 cm *0.5 cm and 5 formaldehyde-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections (6 micron thick) were provided by the Forensic Medical College of China Medical University 12 hours after death.
2. Primer 5.0 was used to design primers for PCR amplification. Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms were analyzed by PCR-SSCP and PCR-RFLP. The haplotype frequencies of 150 healthy unrelated individuals in Liaoning Han nationality were analyzed by two techniques, and the tissue consistency test was carried out.
1. A clear haplotype map was obtained by PCR-SSCP. Nine haplotypes were detected in 150 unrelated blood samples with DP values of 0.8809. In 150 randomized individuals, 3 and 8 phenotypes were detected by RsaI and MLI digestion, respectively, with DP values of 0.1073 and 0.6698. Twelve phenotypes were found with DP values of 0.7078. 33 combinations of haplotypes were found in individuals, with a DP value of 0.925..
2, in 5 normal tissues, the RFLP band patterns and SSCP band patterns of all tissues were identical.
3, in the 30 families, the RFLP band pattern and the SSCP band pattern of mother and child are the same.
The RFLP typing and SSCP typing of formaldehyde fixed embedded tissues in 4,5 were consistent with those in control tissues.
1. PCR-RFLP and PCR-SSCP are simple, rapid and economical methods for preliminary screening of forensic physical evidence. They are suitable for routine analysis of mitochondrial DNA in primary laboratories.
2. The mtDNA HVI16106-16297 region has a good polymorphism distribution in the Han nationality in Liaoning Province of China, and has a high application value in forensic medicine.
3. Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism is more suitable for DNA polymorphism analysis of unconventional forensic material such as formaldehyde fixed paraffin embedded tissue than conventional STR analysis.
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