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发布时间:2018-08-24 11:06
【摘要】: 随着经济、社会、文化的发展,传统的、孤立的公安信息系统越来越无法适应社会形势发展需要。在这种情况下,公安信息化建设的资源整合和信息集成显得非常迫切和重要。但是公安部门IT项目的实施情况一直以来很不乐观,面临着大量困难和问题,主要体现在公安部门自身业务工作的特殊性、管理者缺乏经验、业务需求描述不清、项目满意度差、项目经常延期和超支、忽视培训和维护等方面。面向信息集成的公安部门IT项目,如何克服资金、人才、技术、管理和经验的限制,成功地实施信息化建设项目,是必须面对的现实问题。 本文结合面向信息集成的湖南警务信息平台建设开展项目管理研究,从金盾工程建设的需求分析、系统开发、功能实现、保障措施等环节着手,运用项目管理理论和方法分析公安信息化建设中存在的典型问题,进行公安信息化建设项目管理方案设计,提出面向信息集成的公安信息化建设IT项目管理方案,对公安信息化建设项目管理实施策略和保障措施提出建议,对于提高各界人士和公安科技队伍对公安信息化建设项目管理的认识,促进项目管理在公安信息化建设中的普及应用,体现公安“科技强警”战略具有重要意义。 湖南警务信息平台建设在该设计方案的指导下,结合公安部门自身特点,灵活运用项目管理知识,开展项目管理工作,快速有效地实施IT项目,取得了较好效果,用户和开发商双方均比较满意。 目前,该平台已通过专家评审,在长沙、常德两地开展试点工作近一年,录入各类基础数据数十万条,分析研判破获各类案件上千起。湖南警务信息综合应用平台将于2009年9月在全省范围内正式投入使用。
[Abstract]:With the development of economy, society and culture, the traditional and isolated public security information system is more and more unable to meet the needs of the development of the social situation. In this case, the integration of resources and information in the information construction of public security is very urgent and important. However, the implementation of the IT project in the public security department has not been optimistic and faces a large number of difficulties and problems, mainly reflected in the particularity of the professional work of the public security department itself, the lack of experience on the part of the manager, and the unclear description of the business requirements. Poor project satisfaction, frequent project delays and overruns, neglect of training and maintenance. How to overcome the limitations of fund, talent, technology, management and experience in the IT project of the public security department facing information integration is a realistic problem that must be faced with in the successful implementation of the information construction project. In this paper, the project management research of Hunan police information platform oriented to information integration is carried out, which starts with the requirements analysis, system development, function realization and safeguard measures of gold shield project construction. Based on the theory and method of project management, this paper analyzes the typical problems existing in the information construction of public security, designs the project management scheme for the information construction of public security, and puts forward the IT project management scheme for the information integration oriented public security information construction. This paper puts forward some suggestions on the implementation strategy and safeguard measures for the management of the public security information construction project, which will improve the understanding of the public security information construction project management by the people from all walks of life and the public security science and technology team. It is of great significance to promote the popularization and application of project management in the information construction of public security and to embody the strategy of "strengthening police with science and technology". The construction of Hunan Police Information platform under the guidance of the design scheme, combined with the characteristics of the public security departments, flexible use of project management knowledge, project management work, rapid and effective implementation of IT projects, has achieved good results. Both users and developers are more satisfied. At present, the platform has passed expert review, in Changsha, Changde two places to carry out pilot work for nearly a year, input hundreds of thousands of basic data, analysis and detection of thousands of cases. Hunan Police Information Integrated Application platform will be put into use in the province in September 2009.


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