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发布时间:2018-09-12 15:08
【摘要】: 随着工业化和城镇化的进程,每年农村正常占用的土地达到400多万亩,其中有超过一半的征用地是农民的耕地。目前征地补偿标准低,政府还没有建立起完善的社会保障制度,尤其一些国家工作人员在参与征地补偿工作过程中,利用职权占有、私分补偿款,严重侵害了农民的权利。征地补偿过程中出现的职务犯罪问题若不能及时的得到打击并针对此建立长效预防机制,将不利于社会的和谐稳定。 本文共分为三部分,约三万字。 第一部分内容是关于征地补偿过程中职务犯罪的基本问题。这部分主要介绍了征地补偿职务犯罪问题的基本概念及其犯罪构成要素和表现形式;从犯罪主体、犯罪对象、犯罪手段以及犯罪后果等方面介绍征地补偿职务犯罪的特点;从主观与客观方面介绍征地补偿职务犯罪高发的原因。主观原因主要是犯罪分子文化程度低下,政治素质差,法律意识淡薄,价值观扭曲;客观原因有:征地补偿制度和程序不完善、权力过于集中、村级财务管理不规范、监督机制不完备、犯罪打击力度不够等。 第二部分内容是关于征地补偿职务犯罪的侦查策略。征地补偿职务犯罪侦查策略的设计应遵循合法性原则、科学性原则、灵活性原则和秘密性原则;征地补偿职务犯罪的侦查策略既有宏观层面也有微观层面。宏观策略主要有:排除各种干扰,领导重视,党委支持,提高协同作战水平;强化侦查谋略意识,转换侦查思路,侦查要出其不意;科技强侦,以快制胜;宽严相济,区别对待;因案施策,突出重点。微观策略主要是围绕获取犯罪嫌疑人供述与辩解、获取犯罪证据、查获犯罪嫌疑人以及利用与遏制反侦查四方面展开介绍。 第三部分内容是关于征地补偿职务犯罪的防范对策。针对征地补偿职务犯罪的原因,本部分主要从德育与法律宣传、规范工作程序、健全农村制度建设、加强监督、惩防结合等方面着手,探索预防此类犯罪的长效机制。
[Abstract]:With the process of industrialization and urbanization, more than 4 million mu of land is normally occupied in rural areas every year, and more than half of the requisition land is farmers' cultivated land. At present, the standard of compensation for land expropriation is low, and the government has not established a perfect social security system. Especially, some state functionaries, in the process of taking part in the work of compensation for land requisition, take advantage of their power to occupy and share compensation privately, which seriously infringes on the rights of peasants. If the problem of job-related crime in the process of compensation for land expropriation can not be dealt with in time and a long-term preventive mechanism is established, it will be harmful to the harmony and stability of the society. This article is divided into three parts, about 30,000 words. The first part is about the basic problem of duty crime in the process of land requisition and compensation. This part mainly introduces the basic concept of compensation for duty crime of land expropriation and its constituent elements and forms of expression, introduces the characteristics of compensation for duty crime of land expropriation from the aspects of the subject of crime, the object of crime, the means of crime and the consequences of crime. This paper introduces the reasons for the high incidence of duty crime of land requisition and compensation from subjective and objective aspects. The subjective reasons are the low level of criminal education, poor political quality, weak legal consciousness, distorted values, imperfection of land requisition compensation system and procedure, excessive concentration of power, non-standard financial management at village level, etc. The supervision mechanism is not complete, the crime strike dynamics is not enough and so on. The second part is about the investigation strategy of compensation for duty crime. The investigation strategy of compensation for duty crime of land requisition should follow the principles of legality, science, flexibility and secrecy, and the investigation strategy of compensation for duty crime of land requisition should have both macro and micro levels. The macro strategies mainly include removing all kinds of interference, leaders' attention, party committee's support, and improving the level of coordinated combat; strengthening the sense of strategy of investigation, changing the train of thought of investigation, and taking the investigation by surprise; strengthening investigation by science and technology in order to win quickly; and combining leniency and severity with punishment. Different treatment; because of the case, give prominence to the key. The microcosmic strategy mainly focuses on four aspects: obtaining the confession and explanation of the criminal suspect, obtaining the criminal evidence, arresting the suspect and using and containing the counter-investigation. The third part is about land requisition compensation duty crime prevention countermeasure. In view of the reason of compensation for duty crime of land expropriation, this part mainly explores the long-term mechanism of preventing this kind of crime from the aspects of moral education and legal propaganda, standardizing working procedure, perfecting rural system construction, strengthening supervision, combining punishment and prevention, and so on.


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