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发布时间:2018-11-06 12:56
【摘要】:公安民警具有国家法律赋予的维护国家安全,维护社会治安秩序,预防、制止和惩治违法犯罪活动,保障人民安居乐业的神圣职责,而公安民警的身体健康状况的好坏将直接影响到民警的工作效率和社会秩序的和谐稳定,这就要求公安民警必须具有强健的体魄,充沛的精力作保证。因此,公安民警必须形成健康的工作、生活方式,不断提高身心健康水平,为社会做出更大贡献。 本研究运用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、逻辑分析法、数理统计法,对广西边境地区198名公安民警的身体健康状况和影响因素进行了调查研究,主要内容包括:民警的基本情况、健康状况、工作状况、生活状况及健身状况,然后对边境地区公安民警的身体健康状况和影响因素进行分析,通过数据统计得出结论如下: 边境地区公安民警的身体健康状况不容乐观,超重和肥胖的人数过多;慢性病患病率高,系统疾病主要集中在心血管系统疾病、消化系统疾病、运动器管疾病;公安民警对自身健康状况评价不高,低于我国社会人群健康自我评价水平。民警感觉职业压力过大,每天工作量繁重,经常加班和值班,节假日、公休假不能正常休息或补休,仍参与相当沉重的非警务活动。许多民警有不良生活习惯:不注意饮食习惯,饮酒和抽烟人数多;不按时作息,熬夜人数较多,睡眠时间较短;体育锻炼严重不足。 在上述调查研究的基础上,本研究为提高边境地区公安民警的健康水平、改善民警的健康状况提出了如下对策:加强各级领导的重视,科学增加编制,合理配置警力,公安机关应加强科学用警;转变各级领导观念,增强法治意识,减少非警务活动;建立边境民警身体健康保障体系,增强战斗力;建立边境民警体育锻炼制度,加强公安民警的健康教育,提高民警自我保健能力;加强运动场所的建设,大力开展警察体育活动,养成终身体育习惯;培养健康的生活方式。
[Abstract]:The public security police have the sacred duty of safeguarding national security, maintaining public order, preventing, stopping and punishing illegal and criminal activities, and guaranteeing the people living and working in peace and contentment, as entrusted by the state law. The health of the police will directly affect the work efficiency of the police and the harmony and stability of the social order, which requires that the police must have a strong physique, full of energy to ensure. Therefore, the police must form a healthy work, life style, constantly improve the level of physical and mental health, and make greater contributions to society. Based on the methods of literature, interview, questionnaire, logic analysis and mathematical statistics, this study investigated the health status and influencing factors of 198 police officers in the border area of Guangxi. The main contents include: the basic situation, health status, work condition, living condition and fitness condition of the police, and then analyze the physical health status and influencing factors of the police officers in the border area. The conclusions are as follows: the health status of the police in border areas is not optimistic, the number of overweight and obesity is too large; The prevalence of chronic diseases is high, and the systemic diseases are mainly cardiovascular diseases, digestive system diseases, motor organ diseases, and the public security and police have a low evaluation of their own health status, which is lower than the level of self-assessment of the health of the social population in our country. The police feel that the occupational pressure is too great, the daily workload is heavy, often overtime and on duty, holidays, public holidays can not be normal rest or compensatory rest, still participate in quite heavy non-police activities. Many policemen have bad living habits: not paying attention to eating habits, drinking and smoking more; not working on time, more people stay up late, sleep time is short; physical exercise is seriously inadequate. On the basis of the above investigation and research, this study has put forward the following countermeasures for improving the health level of the police in the border areas and improving the health status of the police: strengthening the attention of leaders at all levels, scientifically increasing the establishment, and rationally deploying the police force, Public security organs should strengthen the use of scientific police; To change the concept of leadership at all levels, strengthen the awareness of the rule of law, reduce non-police activities, establish the border police physical health security system, enhance combat effectiveness; Establish the border police physical training system, strengthen the police health education, improve the police self-health ability, strengthen the construction of sports places, vigorously develop police sports activities, develop lifelong sports habits, and cultivate a healthy lifestyle.


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