[Abstract]:The Golden Crescent region, centered in Afghanistan, is a world cancer and a source of infiltration. It is the basic national policy of the countries in the Golden Crescent region to exert the concerted efforts of the international community and strengthen international cooperation in drug control. Because of the adjoining "Golden Crescent", the drug problem in China is becoming more and more complicated. It is one of the effective ways to solve the current drug problem in China to intercept the drug in the "Golden Crescent" area and find it in the border area. At present, drug control cooperation with Central Asian countries within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has achieved initial results. Although there are still many problems and difficulties, the cooperation with Central Asian countries has been extensively and deeply strengthened to "build a harmonious Xinjiang," Build harmonious periphery ", it is the important safeguard that safeguard our country periphery area security.
【作者单位】: 新疆警察学院;
【基金】:2011年教育部哲学社会科学重大攻关项目“中国与中亚地区国家关系研究”(10JZD0050)子课题“中国与中亚国家禁毒合作研究” 2013年度新疆法学会课题资助项目“新疆毒品犯罪防控对策及体系研究”
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