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发布时间:2018-11-28 13:33
【摘要】: 突发性社会安全事件,一般包括除自然灾害、事故灾难以及重大公共卫生事件之外,对普通公众的生命、健康与财产造成威胁与损害的突发性事件。就中国目前来说,具体可以包括恐怖袭击事件、群体性事件、重大治安事件、重大刑事犯罪等。由于突发性社会安全事件对公共安全甚至是国家安全造成了严重威胁,我国各级政府越来越重视对重大社会安全事件的应急管理工作,积累了许多好的经验和做法,提升了政府的公信力,维护了社会政治稳定秩序。但同时也暴露出管理理念、体制机制等方面的缺乏和不足,影响了对突发社会安全事件的处置效果,与我国构建和谐社会大局的目标不相适应,应采取有效措施予以解决。地方政府作为各类公共安全危机事件的第一反应者,在对突发性社会安全事件的应急处置中具有十分重要的地位,因此对如何加强地方应急管理能力和水平进行深入研究就显得尤其必要。本文从我国地方突发社会安全事件应急管理现状入手,依托危机管理理论,利用对比分析法、实证分析法和归纳法,对突发社会安全应急管理体制存在问题及原因进行了实证分析,提出了深化我国省以下突发社会安全应急管理体制建设的具体设想,如建立强有力的社会安全事件中枢指挥系统和社会安全事件应急管理联动体制、加强应急管理的专业化建设、建立健全社会安全事件应急管理责任追究和监督机制、健全应急管理的法律体系、建立完善的突发事件管理财政保障体系等,对解决当前我国地方政府突发社会安全事件应急管理体制不顺,统筹管理不够的问题有一定的参考意义。
[Abstract]:Sudden social security events, including natural disasters, accidents, disasters and major public health events, pose a threat and damage to the lives, health and property of the general public. As far as China is concerned, it can include terrorist attacks, mass incidents, major security incidents, major criminal offences, and so on. As sudden social security incidents pose a serious threat to public safety and even national security, our governments at all levels pay more and more attention to the emergency management of major social security incidents, and have accumulated many good experiences and practices. Enhance the credibility of the government, maintain social and political stability and order. But at the same time, it also exposes the lack and deficiency of management idea, system mechanism and so on, which affects the effect of dealing with the sudden social security events, and does not adapt to the goal of building a harmonious society in our country, and should take effective measures to solve it. As the first responders of all kinds of public security crisis, local governments play a very important role in the emergency response to sudden social security incidents. Therefore, how to strengthen the ability and level of local emergency management is particularly necessary. This paper starts with the current situation of emergency management of local social security emergencies in China, relying on the theory of crisis management, using comparative analysis, empirical analysis and induction. This paper makes an empirical analysis on the existing problems and causes of the emergency management system of sudden social security, and puts forward a concrete plan for deepening the construction of the emergency management system of social security emergency below the provincial level in China. For example, the establishment of a strong command system of the social security incident center and the linkage system of the social security incident emergency management, the strengthening of the specialized construction of the emergency management, and the establishment and improvement of the mechanism for investigating and supervising the responsibility of the social security incident emergency management, Improving the legal system of emergency management and establishing a perfect financial guarantee system of emergency management have certain reference significance for solving the problems of local government emergency management system of emergency social security events which are not smooth and lack of overall management.


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