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发布时间:2019-01-02 09:36
【摘要】: 派出所作为我国公安机关的派出机构,是公安部门与人民群众接触最广泛、最密切的纽带与桥梁,是公安机关群众路线的依托,发挥着重要的基层基础作用。然而在理论界和实践中对派出所职能界定不一,并且派出所职能行使过程中往往受到的诸多因素的制约。针对我国公安派出所职能的困境,本文拟提出切实可行的解决途径。 文章一共分为四个部分。第一个部分对公安派出所的重要性进行了论述,这里分为三个方面。首先,公安机关的不可或缺性是由公安机关群众路线所决定的。我国公安派出所成立至今职能的演变和欧美国家警务改革中警务风格的变化无疑都证实了警务工作开展的成效与民众的参与度有着极其密切的联系。那么公安工作要依托群众,就必须重视与人民群众联系最紧密的公安派出所。其次,以撤销派出所建立分局的大庆模式从反面进一步证实了在提倡警力下沉和组织结构扁平化的今天,更应该加强派出所的建设。第三,在全面建设小康社会、构建社会和谐的今天,公安部接连出台的“三基”工程建设、“三项建设”、“大走访”战略,更是为强化基层派出所的建设提供了新的契机。 第二,对派出所的职能进行厘清。本部分从三个方面展开论述,首先是根据现有法律法规对派出所职能作简单的列举,在法律规定的基础上充分结合派出所的基层性质来最终确定派出所职能的范围。其次,针对我国目前不同地区对于派出所基层职能和刑侦职能的关系处理和派出所与责任区刑警中队关系的处理方式,比较两者合而为一和彼此分离这两种模式及其效果,探讨派出所在刑侦工作中应该发挥怎样的职能。最后是对美国和日本基层警察组织职能范围和侧重点进行介绍,并从中得出发达国家基层警察组织职能对于我国派出所职能完善的借鉴意义。 第三,在厘清派出所职能的基础上,进一步研究派出所职能行使中的瓶颈问题。这包括由于职能范围不明确带来的困境,也包括派出所职能行使当中的现实制约因素。具体来说,首先,非警务活动占用大量警力,并且极易恶化警民关系。其次,大包大揽的服务、调处工作给派出所民警带来沉重的负担。再次,法律法规对派出所民警执法保障力度不够,民警在执法过程中被侮辱、漫骂、恶意投诉甚至暴力袭击却无法有效保障自己的权益,这突显了警察执法中的被动与无奈。第四,公安机关与媒体关系不和谐,恶化民警外部执法环境。最后,派出所民警压力普遍较大、工作满意度不高。 第四,即本文的重点,是在分析派出所职能困境的基础上提出如果充分实现派出所职能的建议。首先,从派出所职能的现实规范入手,对非警务活动、服务和调处工作进行规制。其次,完善派出所民警执法的法律保障体系。第三,建立和媒体的良性互动,改善派出所民警外部执法环境。第四,通过对社会力量的整合,提升派出所工作品质。第五,建立完善的监督机制,以保障派出所职能运行的规范合法。另外,建立常规化的培训机制,提高派出所民警的政治素养、执法水平和服务态度。最后,通过建立科学的绩效考评机制、改善派出所民警的待遇、充分关注民警的心理健康,以提升民警满意度,充分发挥派出所民警的工作积极性。
[Abstract]:The police station, as a part of the public security organs of our country, is the most extensive and close link and bridge between the public security department and the people, which is the basis of the mass line of the public security organs and plays an important basic role. However, in the theory and practice, the definition of the function of the police station is not one, and the function of the police station is often restricted by many factors. In view of the plight of the function of the police station in our country, this paper proposes a feasible solution. The article is divided into four The first part discusses the importance of the police station, which is divided into three parts: First, the indispensability of the public security organ is the mass line of the public security organ It is determined that the evolution of the function and the change of the police style in the police reform of the European and American countries have confirmed the effectiveness of the police work and the participation of the public in the police reform of the European and American countries. If the public security is to rely on the masses, it is necessary to attach importance to the most closely related public security with the people The second, in order to revoke the Daqing pattern of the establishment of the police station, it is further confirmed that the police station should be strengthened today in order to promote the settlement of the police force and the flattening of the organizational structure. Third, in building a well-off society in an all-round way and building a harmonious society, the Ministry of Public Security has made a series of 鈥渢ribasic鈥,




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