[Abstract]:The joint crime is based on the joint act which causes the result of the constituent elements. As the constituent element of the aggravated crime of the result, the aggravated result should be the judgment benchmark of the accomplice of the aggravated crime of the result. Therefore, in the case of aggravated result caused by negligence, whether the accomplice of aggravated result depends on whether the accomplice of negligence is successful or not. The criminal law of our country stipulates that negligent accomplice is not a joint crime, therefore, the accomplice of aggravated crime cannot be established. However, according to the basic structure of the aggravated crime of the result, the co-participants of the basic crime can be individualized and imputed: first, for the aggravated crime caused by the statutory punishment, in the case of the establishment of the principal offender of negligence in the act of participation in the act of aggravating the result, The resulting aggravated crime may be determined to be committed at the same time. Second, for the aggravated result crime with severe legal punishment, only when the participation behavior has the special risk of causing the aggravated result and the risk is directly realistic into the aggravated result, can the individual principal offender of the aggravated result crime be established. Thirdly, on the occasion that the instigation of the basic crime and the aggravating result caused by the negligence of the aiding act, it is possible to establish the aggravating crime of the narrow sense of accomplice. However, instigation, aiding and aiding should make an obvious contribution to the special danger of basic act and its realization, and the accomplice should realize the basic facts on which the special danger exists.
【作者单位】: 杭州师范大学沈钧儒法学院;
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