本文选题:宋代 + 民事纠纷 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 随着生产力的发展,宋代的社会经济结构发生了重大转变,民事关系日益复杂,民事纠纷大量涌现。对此,宋代统治者及各级官员转变观念,以积极、务实的态度来应对。宋代法令中有关解决民事纠纷的规定和官员们在处理民事纠纷的实践活动中形成的规则所共同构成的一系列步骤和程序,便形成了系统的民事纠纷的官方解决程序。对宋代的官方民事解纷程序,学者多以“宋代的民事诉讼制度”为名,并直接套用今日民事诉讼法学中的术语来进行研究。本文摒弃此种作法,而以“宋代民事纠纷的官方解决程序”为名,以史料的记载为基础来进行探究。 宋代民事纠纷的官方解决程序,分为启动、进展、尾声三个阶段。程序的启动是由民事纠纷主体提出告论和官府的受状应对两个方面的对接来实现的。当合格的民事纠纷主体在规定的受状时间内向县衙投递词状,并经官府受状开拆受理之后,程序即告启动,同时也进入到官方解纷程序的进展阶段。程序的进展是由县令所主导的。先由县令指派相关人员进行追证会实。接着便由县令亲自听讼,查明纠纷的真相。待纠纷真相查明,程序进展的任务即告完成,对纠纷的解决而言,便到了尾声。在尾声阶段县令在听讼的基础上根据纠纷的具体情形选择劝谕从和或书判的方式来结绝案件。通常情形下,县令结绝案件,民事纠纷的两造悦服并履行处理决定,该件民事纠纷的解决即告完成。而宋代民事纠纷的官方解决程序却并未终结,还有后续的纠错救济程序。只要官府结绝不当,民事纠纷的两造即可按照县——州——(府、军、监)——路——中央——皇帝的顺序逐级翻诉。 从对宋代民事纠纷的官方解决程序的叙述中可以看出它的理念、目的、程序构成、制度构造以及所用的语词术语都是与其时代相适应的。它与今天的民事诉讼制度有很大的差异,是不能直接以民事诉讼制度来套用的。此外它与传统的无讼理想及宋代的健讼现实也并非矛盾对立。无讼是官方理想,健讼是社会现实,宋代的官方民事解纷程序则是宋代官方所构建的从健讼现实通往无讼理想的桥梁。在维护整个王朝的长治久安的高度,三者又实现了统一。总之,宋代民事纠纷的官方解决程序是在社会环境发生转变之际应运而生的,是适应当时的现实需要的。这种程序从主体的观念到过程的进行以及判决的内容都体现出了规则化、程式化、理性化的特点。它是异于今天的民事诉讼制度的另一种制度化的纠纷解决方式。
[Abstract]:With the development of productive forces, the social and economic structure of the Song Dynasty has undergone a major transformation, civil relations are increasingly complex, civil disputes emerge in large numbers. In response, the rulers and officials of the Song Dynasty changed their ideas and responded with a positive and pragmatic attitude. A series of steps and procedures formed by the provisions of the Song Dynasty decrees on the settlement of civil disputes and the rules formed by officials in the practical activities of dealing with civil disputes formed a systematic official procedure for resolving civil disputes. As to the official civil dispute solving procedure of the Song Dynasty, scholars mostly use the terminology of the civil procedure law of the Song Dynasty to study it in the name of "the civil litigation system of the Song Dynasty". This paper discards this practice and explores it in the name of "official settlement procedure of Civil disputes in Song Dynasty" and on the basis of historical records. The official settlement procedure of civil dispute in Song Dynasty is divided into three stages: initiation, progress and end. The initiation of procedure is realized by the docking of civil dispute subject's suing theory and the official's receiving reply. When the qualified civil dispute subject delivers the word form to the county government within the prescribed time of acceptance and is accepted by the government, the procedure will be initiated, and at the same time the procedure will enter the stage of the official dispute resolution procedure. The progress of the procedure is governed by county decrees. First by the county order appointed by the relevant personnel will be confirmed. Then the county order heard the case in person to find out the truth of the dispute. When the truth of the dispute is ascertained, the task of proceeding is completed, and the resolution of the dispute comes to an end. On the basis of hearing, prefectural order in the final stage chooses the way of admonition and or adjudication according to the specific situation of the dispute to close the case. Usually, the county orders to close the case, the civil dispute of the two orders and fulfill the resolution of the civil dispute will be completed. But the Song Dynasty civil dispute official settlement procedure has not ended, also has the follow-up error correction relief procedure. As long as the official government knot absolutely, the civil dispute can according to the county-state-state-(prefectural, military, superintendency-central-emperor's order of appeal. From the narration of the official settlement procedure of civil disputes in the Song Dynasty, we can see that its idea, purpose, procedure constitution, system structure and the terms used are all in accordance with its era. It is very different from today's civil litigation system and can not be directly applied to civil litigation system. In addition, it is not contradictory with the traditional ideal of no litigation and the reality of healthy litigation in Song Dynasty. No litigation is the official ideal, the healthy litigation is the social reality, and the official civil dispute resolution procedure in the Song Dynasty is the bridge from the healthy litigation reality to the non-litigation ideal constructed by the Song government. In the maintenance of the stability of the whole dynasty, the three achieved unity. In a word, the official settlement procedure of civil disputes in Song Dynasty came into being when the social environment changed. From the concept of the subject to the process and the content of the judgment, the procedure embodies the characteristics of regularization, formulation and rationalization. It is different from today's civil litigation system of another institutionalized dispute resolution.
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