[Abstract]:Russian public officials property declaration legislation began in the early 1990s, and has been constructed a relatively complete system, but from the actual operation effect, it does not achieve the expected goal of curbing and discovering corruption. The shortcomings of the current system leading to this situation are mainly manifested in: inadequate declaration and disclosure of property information, failure to provide effective and complete information for the fight against corruption, and information verification mechanisms initiated only upon the application of the subject of legal rights, It is not enough to restrain public officials from reporting honestly; the institutional space for public participation in monitoring corruption is limited. In fact, the supervision of property declaration is mainly carried out within the system. The latest Act to monitor the compliance of public officials' income and expenditure has strengthened the control of public officials' expenditure information and income source information, increased the accountability for violations of the property declaration system, but also "duplicated" the deficiencies of the existing system. In the future, with the awakening of citizen's right consciousness and the change of political ecological environment, the establishment of more strict information verification mechanism and more involvement of social external forces in supervision will be the key direction for the perfection of Russian property declaration legislation.
【作者单位】: 黑龙江大学法学院;
【基金】:2013年黑龙江省教育厅人文社会研究面上项目“俄罗斯土地使用法律制度与中国投资者风险控制”的阶段性成果 黑龙江大学研究生创新科研项目资金资助(YJSCX2012-001HLJU)
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