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发布时间:2018-09-06 15:03
【摘要】: 清代是中国封建社会的最后发展阶段,基于调整物权关系、稳定社会秩序的目的,清朝政府在唐、宋、元、明物权立法的基础上,进行了适应社会发展的物权法律建设和变革。以乾隆五年和光绪二十六年为两个时间分界点,清代的物权法律建设,可以分为三个阶段:其一是入关后的顺治年间到乾隆初年,此阶段为清代物权法的创立和发展阶段,其二是乾隆五年到光绪初年,此阶段为清代物权法的完善和定型阶段,其三是光绪二十六年到清朝灭亡,这一阶段为清代物权法的近代化变革阶段。 清代物权法与近现代西方物权法、中华民国物权法、当代中国物权法一样,主要调整物的所有、占有、使用、支配、收益、处分等关系,着重关注土地、房产、矿产等重要物品的归属和使用关系。与近现代西方物权法、中华民国物权法、当代中国的物权法不同的是,清代物权法既不具备“民法典·物权编”的形式,也不具备“物权法典”的形式。清代物权法的存在形式具有多样性的特点,清代皇帝的上谕、《大清律例》、《户部则例》、《清会典》及其《事例》,都是清代物权法律的重要载体,清代物权法在内容上的广博性、变革上的灵活性,是与其载体的多样化密不可分的。尤其是《户部则例》、皇帝上谕这两种法律载体,为适应清代社会变迁、物权关系多变的现实情况,采取了灵活的立法原则和价值取向,从而保证了清代物权立法与时代同步、与现实接轨。 清代物权法以调整物的所有权为中心。由于“土地是最为重要的客体”,1因而土地所有权是清代物权法调整的首要问题,国家土地所有权、团体土地所有权、私人土地所有权,在清代物权法中得到了严格的区分,三种土地所有权的产生、转移、保护,在法律中都有明确的规定。为维护满族的经济特权,联合蒙、回、苗、瑶等少数民族,限制人口占全国绝大多数的汉族的经济实力的扩大,清代物权立法严格限制土地产权由少数民族的手中转移到汉族手中。同时为规范土地产权的转移,清朝政府采用红契和契尾制度来确认土地所有权。清代物权法律对房屋和许多动产的所有权关系也较为重视。房屋的所有权转移也靠红契和契尾制度来调整。铜、铁、铅、银等有色金属是物权法律重点保护的国有动产,食盐由于关系国家税收、百姓生活,也一直实行国家垄断生产、掌握批发的专卖制度。其它动产,如牛马牲畜、粮食奴仆、瓜果蔬菜的所有权归属与保护,在清代物权法中都有体现。 典权、永佃权、质押权和抵押权,是清代物权法承认和保护的几种有代表性的他物权。清代典权的标的物主要是土地和房产,统称田宅,在典权实践中,未成年子女、粮食、奴仆也是典权的标的物。土地典权是典权关系最有代表性的一种,以活卖为实质的土地出典,不仅要受到清代物权法律有关“典限”、“典价”的规制,而且还要受法律对“旗民交产”、“找贴次数”、“典物毁损的责任承担”等相关规定的制约。永佃权是清代富有特色的他物权之一。发端于宋代的永佃权,在清代社会中极为普遍。清代永佃权具有明显的扩张性,永佃权人以“皮主”的身份可以与“田主”(底主)分庭抗礼,并获得土地收益的大半。清朝政府基于稳定传统租佃关系、确保国家田赋征收的目的,利用物权立法打击“一田两主”的现象,力图实现永佃权向“一田一主”的理性回归。与借贷关系相伴生的质押权和抵押权,亦受到清代物权法的重点关注,其立法取向即是平衡质押权人和质押人的权利义务关系,确保质押物的实物和价值的安全。针对抵押权在清末的大发展,清末的法律承认了以铁路路权、关税、土地、房产、盐税、烟酒税为抵押物的法定效力。这样的承认一方面是缓解清朝政府财政危机的重大举措,但另一方面也为清朝政府丧失主权、丧失民心埋下了祸根。 清代物权法对于自物权和他物权的保护,主要有确认物权、排除妨碍、恢复原状、返还原物、赔偿损失等几种方式,前面四种为典型的物权保护方式,赔偿损失则是把典型的债权保护方式运用于物权保护。清代物权法的特征主要表现为重点保护国有物权和旗人物权、限制汉族与少数民族之间的物权交易、依法保护以人口为客体的物权转移;另外,鉴于封建社会中官员地位特殊、权力极大的实际情况,清代物权法还有一大特征,即是明文禁止或限制官员参与某些物权交易。
[Abstract]:The Qing Dynasty was the last stage of the development of Chinese feudal society. For the purpose of adjusting the relationship between real rights and stabilizing social order, the Qing government carried out the construction and reform of real rights law adapting to social development on the basis of the legislation of real rights in Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties. The construction can be divided into three stages: the first stage is from Shunzhi to the early Qianlong years, which is the founding and developing stage of the property law in Qing Dynasty; the second stage is from the five years of Qianlong to the early Guangxu Dynasty; this stage is the perfection and finalization stage of the property law in Qing Dynasty; the third stage is from the 26th year of Guangxu to the extinction of Qing Dynasty; this stage is the property law in Qing Dynasty. The stage of modernization.
The Qing Dynasty Property Law, like the modern Western Property Law, the Republic of China Property Law and the contemporary Chinese Property Law, mainly regulates the ownership, possession, use, domination, income and disposal of property, focusing on the ownership and use of land, real estate, minerals and other important items. The real right law of the Qing Dynasty is different from the real right law in that it has neither the form of "civil code and real right compilation" nor the form of "real right code". The extensiveness of the content and the flexibility of the reform of the real right law in the Qing Dynasty are closely related to the diversification of its carriers. Especially, the two legal carriers, Hubu Rules and the emperor's instructions, adopted flexible legislative principles and value orientations in order to adapt to the social changes and the changeable real right relations in the Qing Dynasty, thus guaranteeing the real right in the Qing Dynasty. Legislation is in keeping with the times and integrating with reality.
The property law of the Qing Dynasty centered on the ownership of the adjustments. As "land is the most important object", land ownership was the primary issue in the adjustment of the property law of the Qing Dynasty. State land ownership, group land ownership and private land ownership were strictly distinguished in the property law of the Qing Dynasty, and three kinds of land ownership were created. In order to safeguard the economic privileges of the Manchu people, unite with the Mongolian, Hui, Miao and Yao ethnic groups, and limit the expansion of the economic strength of the Han people, whose population accounts for the vast majority of the country, the property rights legislation of the Qing Dynasty strictly restricted the transfer of land property rights from the hands of ethnic minorities to the hands of the Han people. In the Qing Dynasty, the ownership of houses and many movable property was also emphasized in the property law. The transfer of ownership of houses was also regulated by the red deed and the tail system. It is a state tax and people's livelihood, and the state monopoly production and wholesale monopoly system has been implemented. The ownership and protection of other movable property, such as cattle and horses, grain slaves, melons, fruits and vegetables, were embodied in the property law of the Qing Dynasty.
Pawn right, permanent tenancy right, pledge right and mortgage right are several representative other real rights recognized and protected by the property law of Qing Dynasty. The subject matter of pawn right in Qing Dynasty is mainly land and real estate, collectively called land and house. In the practice of pawn right, minor children, grain and slaves are also the subject matter of pawn right. The sale of land as a real estate was not only restricted by the property law of the Qing Dynasty, but also restricted by the relevant provisions of the law, such as "the delivery of property by the flag people", "the number of searches and pastes", "the liability for damage to the property". In the Qing Dynasty, the permanent tenant right was very widespread. The permanent tenant right had obvious expansibility. The permanent tenant could resist the "landlord" (landlord) as a "leather owner" and get more than half of the land income. The pledge right and mortgage right which accompanied with the loan relationship were also the focus of the property law in Qing Dynasty. Its legislative orientation was to balance the rights and obligations between the pledgee and the pledgee, and to ensure the security of the real object and value of the pledged property. With the great development of the Qing Dynasty, the law of the late Qing Dynasty recognized the legal validity of railway rights, tariffs, land, real estate, salt tax, tobacco and alcohol tax as collateral. On the one hand, such recognition was an important measure to alleviate the Qing government's financial crisis, but on the other hand, it also laid a foundation for the Qing government to lose its sovereignty and the people's heart.
In the Qing Dynasty, there were several ways to protect the real right of oneself and others, such as confirming the real right, removing obstacles, restoring the original state, returning the restored property and compensating for the loss. The first four were typical ways to protect the real right, while the compensation for the loss was to apply the typical way to protect the creditor's rights. In addition, in view of the special status and great power of officials in the feudal society, the property law of Qing Dynasty has another feature, that is, it prohibits or restricts officials from participating in certain property transactions.


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10 许光县;张莉华;;契约自由的认定与规制[J];特区经济;2007年09期




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