[Abstract]:The duty of care is one of the most important concepts in tort law and plays a central role in tort law. The duty of care as the judgment standard of negligence includes two levels: the existence standard of duty of care and the standard of breach of duty of care. The duty of care of immovable property rights is a special type of duty of care. In determining whether the immovable property owner is liable for tort to others for damage caused by the object or environment under his control, The court often considers whether the victim is a legal entrant or an illegal entrant at the time of the damage to the property or the environment and decides whether the immovable property owner undertakes the duty of care and the scope of the duty of care according to the category of the victim's identity. The principle of distinction between legal entrants and illegal entrants balances the interests of immovable property owners with the interests of the victims of personal and property security. It is an inevitable requirement for the law to achieve the goal of fairness and justice, and should be adopted by our tort law. The main contents of this thesis include: the first part, from Liang Fengying v. Tan Wenhui personal injury compensation case in 2003, the focus of the case, Disputes and differences of opinion put forward a discussion on the duty of care of the immovable property owner to the entrant. The second part is the analysis of attention theory. This paper analyzes the determination of duty of care in tort law, the recognition of breach of duty of care and the classification of entrants in Anglo-American law, focusing on the standard of rational person for duty of care and the classification of entrants in Anglo-American law. In the third part, the judgment of Liang Fengying v. Tan Wenhui's personal injury compensation case in 2003 is analyzed in detail from the two aspects of legal theory and legal provisions. The fourth part, introduce the duty of care into the concept of tort law of our country. The emphasis of this paper is the determination of the duty of care of the immovable property owner to the entrant. This paper will focus on the determination of the existence of duty of care in tort law and the determination of breach of duty of care in tort law, as well as the guiding significance of the classification of entrants in Anglo-American law to the administration of justice in our country. At the same time, from the angle of real right and personal right, this paper discusses the criterion of rational person and the principle of distinguishing identity, and provides feasible suggestions for the concretization of the standard of security duty of care of the immovable property right to the entrant.
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