[Abstract]:In 2012, the United States released its latest revised BIT model, which includes "fundamental security interests" that protect the interests of States parties in their bilateral investment relations. In this paper, the fundamental security interests of the BIT and other international treaties signed by the United States are firstly analyzed. It is found that the BIT and other international treaties signed by the United States themselves do not explain the three key issues in the fundamental security interest clauses: the meaning of "fundamental security interests", what are the "necessary" measures and the arbitrability of these clauses. With regard to the first issue, according to the understanding of the United States Government in its report and the ruling of the ICSID tribunal, "fundamental security interests" do not merely encompass military and political security in the traditional sense. It can be interpreted as including the security interests of the State party, such as economic security. As to the second question, ICSID several directly relevant arbitral awards have different interpretations of the order and manner of application of the "fundamental security interests clause" and the defence of necessity to exclude international liability in customary international law, In the specific interpretation of the fundamental security interests clause, different scholars have also disputed whether to apply similar rules under WTO/GATT, to adopt other looser rules or to interpret them strictly in accordance with treaty interpretation rules. This paper collates and analyzes the problems existing in the above viewpoints, and holds that the "fundamental security interest clause" should be interpreted first under the "context" of the interpretation formed by BIT according to the rules of treaty interpretation. With regard to the third question, through the study of existing cases and existing practice of relevant treaties, this paper holds that the substantive issue of the "non-discretionary" clause is indeed arbitrable. However, the arbitrability of the "self-judgment" clause is limited to the scope of reviewing the "good faith" performance proposed by some scholars. In the BIT negotiations between China and the United States, China should try its best to require that the meaning of "fundamental security interests" be clearly defined in this provision, and that in the travaux pr 茅 paratoires, the understanding of both sides as to what is "necessary" measures and the role of international customary law in the interpretation of this provision should be explained. And the procedural requirement that the self-judgment clause has been performed by the invoking party in good faith.
中国期刊全文数据库 前8条
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