发布时间:2019-03-25 15:43
【摘要】: 天皇制是日本政治制度的核心之一,也是日本人文化优越感在政治上的主要思想根源。日本天皇制是世界政治史上独一无二的,其对日本社会的影响远远超出我们的想象。天皇制以其历史发展阶段划分为古代天皇制、明治宪法体制下的近代天皇制以及战后象征天皇制。明治宪法体制下的天皇制确立于1889年《大日本帝国宪法》的颁布,天皇权力从无到有的变化,对日本近代社会的发展产生重大影响。近代天皇制作为日本政治传统的特殊载体,是日本政治文化实力的组成部分,对其进行深入的认识和研究有助于我们更加明确地了解日本政治,有利于正确处理我国与日本之间存在的历史遗留问题。国内学者对日本明治宪法体制下的天皇制进行系统全面的研究较少,大多是对日本天皇进行历史性研究,多数持批判的态度,研究方法比较单一,没有立足于客观历史事实,系统分析近代天皇制的特性。本文从历史的角度出发,运用历史学的文献分析方法和马克思唯物辩证的方法,对明治宪法体制下的天皇制进行系统、全面、客观地分析,并对天皇制进行比较研究,突出明治天皇制的独特之处。 本文除引言和结语外的正文主要分为四个部分来论述明治宪法体制下的天皇制。 第一部分天皇与天皇制的概念探析。主要考证天皇称谓的由来以及在日本历史上正式使用天皇称谓的具体时间,同时论述天皇制作为一种政治制度在日本的形成时间。天皇称谓并不是产生于日本本土,而是由中国传入。日本在正式使用天皇作为其君主的称谓前,经历了“王——大王——天皇”的变化过程,最终于公元608年的推古朝时期确定将君主称呼为天皇。而天皇制的形成与日本传统神道思想的发展密切相关,神道经过神社神道、皇室神道的发展,最终在明治时期以法律形式确立为国家神道,作为明治近代天皇制的思想支柱。 第二部分明治宪法体制的形成。主要论述明治天皇制政权建立以前幕藩体制时期的社会状况,在幕府统治下,社会体制混乱,农民被各藩主严重剥削,生活困难,从造成起义不断。幕藩政治的锁国政策严重阻碍了资本主义的发展,在西方列强的威逼下,幕府开放沿海港口,原已风雨飘摇的幕藩政权由此崩溃。明治维新后建立的新政权,着手建立以天皇为核心的政治制度,采取一系列的措施进行改革。如实行奉还版籍,废藩置县、改革封建身份制度、巩固皇室财产,树立天皇权威,并于1889年制定《大日本帝国宪法》最终确立了明治近代天皇制。 第三部分明治宪法体制下天皇的二元特性。主要论述在明治宪法体制下天皇由无限的权威和有限的权力两部分构成,在无限的权威部分,日本传统的民族认同理念决定了日本天皇作为日本民族的精神而存在,’并由天皇万世一系的统治;在有限的权力部分,虽然在明治宪法中规定了天皇的各种权力,但在宪法条文之外的权力实际运作过程中,设置障碍将天皇与政治权力隔离,由幕后势力集团操纵天皇行使国家权力。 第四部分明治天皇制与中国皇帝制、英国立宪君主制的比较。与中国封建皇帝制比较,其传统权威与政治权力相对分离,中国封建皇帝的政治权力是无限的,但权威是有限的、相对的,而明治天皇正好与之相反;与英国立宪君主制比较,虽然具有一定的立宪性,但是不彻底的,没有实现完全的三权分立,英国的君主制是议会至上,君主统而不治,而明治天皇制是天皇至上,各权力机构辅助之。
[Abstract]:The imperial system is one of the core of the Japanese political system, and it is the main source of the political thought of the superiority of the Japanese culture. The Japanese imperial system is unique in the world's political history, and its influence on the Japanese society is far beyond our imagination. The imperial system is divided into the ancient imperial system with its historical development stage, the modern emperor system under the constitution system and the post-war symbol of the emperor system. The imperial system under the constitutional system of the Republic of Japan was established in 1889. The promulgation of the Constitution of the Great Japanese Empire and the change of the emperor's power from the moment to time have a great impact on the development of the modern society in Japan. As a special carrier of Japanese political and cultural strength, the modern emperor system is an integral part of Japanese political and cultural strength. The systematic and comprehensive study of the emperor system under the Japanese constitutional system is less, most of which are the historical study of the Japanese emperor, the most critical attitude, the research method is relatively single, not based on the objective historical facts, and the system analysis the characteristics of the modern emperor system. This paper, from the angle of history, uses the literature analysis method of history and the method of Marx's materialist dialectics to carry on the systematic, comprehensive and objective analysis of the imperial system under the constitutional system of the Republic of China, and makes a comparative study on the imperial system, and highlights the unique place of the emperor. In addition to the introduction and the text, the text is divided into four parts to discuss the constitutional system of the Republic of China The first part of the emperor and the day The concept of imperial system is an analysis of the concept of the emperor, and the specific time of the official use of the title of the emperor in the history of Japan, and the system of the emperor as a kind of political system. Japan's formation time. The emperor's title is not on the Japanese. Instead, it was passed in by China. Japan, before the official use of the emperor as the title of its monarchs, has undergone a "King _ King _ Emperor of the Emperor" of change, and finally, in the period of the ancient dynasty of 608, it was determined that it would The emperor's name is the emperor. The formation of the emperor is closely related to the development of the Japanese traditional channel of God. The thought pillar of the imperial system. Part of the formation of the constitutional system of the state, mainly discusses the social situation in the period of the establishment of the regime of the emperor, under the rule of the government, the social system is in disorder, and the peasants are seriously exploited and born by the various members of the state. The difficulty of living, from the rise of the intifada, the policy of the state-of-the-art policy of the lock of the country seriously hinders the development of capitalism, under the influence of the western powers, the curtain is open along the sea port, and the wind and rain The new regime established after the founding of the Republic of China, and the establishment of a political system based on the emperor. The reform of a series of measures, such as the introduction of the Chinese version, the abolition of the county, the reform of the feudal system of identity, the consolidation of the royal property, the establishment of the authority of the emperor, and the enactment of the Constitution of the Great Japan in 1889 In the end, the imperial system of the modern day was established. The third part The dualistic character of the emperor under the constitution system is divided into two parts: the emperor is composed of the unlimited authority and the limited power under the constitution of the Japanese constitution, and in the infinite authority part, the Japanese traditional national identity has decided the Japanese emperor as the Japanese national spirit. "and is governed by the Emperor Wanshi; in a limited part of power, although the powers of the emperor have been set out in the Constitution, the power of power outside the provisions of the Constitution actually works." The barrier is to isolate the emperor from the political power, from the curtain. A comparison between the emperor system of the fourth part and the Chinese emperor and the British constitutional monarchy. Compared with the feudal emperor of China, the traditional authority and political power of China For the separation, the political power of the feudal emperor of China is unlimited, but the authority is limited and relative, and the Emperor of the Ming and the Qing is in the opposite direction; and compared with the constitutional monarchy of the United Kingdom, though it has certain constitutional character, it is not complete, and the complete three-power division is not realized. The monarchy in the United Kingdom is the top of the parliament, and the monarchs are not to be treated.
[Abstract]:The imperial system is one of the core of the Japanese political system, and it is the main source of the political thought of the superiority of the Japanese culture. The Japanese imperial system is unique in the world's political history, and its influence on the Japanese society is far beyond our imagination. The imperial system is divided into the ancient imperial system with its historical development stage, the modern emperor system under the constitution system and the post-war symbol of the emperor system. The imperial system under the constitutional system of the Republic of Japan was established in 1889. The promulgation of the Constitution of the Great Japanese Empire and the change of the emperor's power from the moment to time have a great impact on the development of the modern society in Japan. As a special carrier of Japanese political and cultural strength, the modern emperor system is an integral part of Japanese political and cultural strength. The systematic and comprehensive study of the emperor system under the Japanese constitutional system is less, most of which are the historical study of the Japanese emperor, the most critical attitude, the research method is relatively single, not based on the objective historical facts, and the system analysis the characteristics of the modern emperor system. This paper, from the angle of history, uses the literature analysis method of history and the method of Marx's materialist dialectics to carry on the systematic, comprehensive and objective analysis of the imperial system under the constitutional system of the Republic of China, and makes a comparative study on the imperial system, and highlights the unique place of the emperor. In addition to the introduction and the text, the text is divided into four parts to discuss the constitutional system of the Republic of China The first part of the emperor and the day The concept of imperial system is an analysis of the concept of the emperor, and the specific time of the official use of the title of the emperor in the history of Japan, and the system of the emperor as a kind of political system. Japan's formation time. The emperor's title is not on the Japanese. Instead, it was passed in by China. Japan, before the official use of the emperor as the title of its monarchs, has undergone a "King _ King _ Emperor of the Emperor" of change, and finally, in the period of the ancient dynasty of 608, it was determined that it would The emperor's name is the emperor. The formation of the emperor is closely related to the development of the Japanese traditional channel of God. The thought pillar of the imperial system. Part of the formation of the constitutional system of the state, mainly discusses the social situation in the period of the establishment of the regime of the emperor, under the rule of the government, the social system is in disorder, and the peasants are seriously exploited and born by the various members of the state. The difficulty of living, from the rise of the intifada, the policy of the state-of-the-art policy of the lock of the country seriously hinders the development of capitalism, under the influence of the western powers, the curtain is open along the sea port, and the wind and rain The new regime established after the founding of the Republic of China, and the establishment of a political system based on the emperor. The reform of a series of measures, such as the introduction of the Chinese version, the abolition of the county, the reform of the feudal system of identity, the consolidation of the royal property, the establishment of the authority of the emperor, and the enactment of the Constitution of the Great Japan in 1889 In the end, the imperial system of the modern day was established. The third part The dualistic character of the emperor under the constitution system is divided into two parts: the emperor is composed of the unlimited authority and the limited power under the constitution of the Japanese constitution, and in the infinite authority part, the Japanese traditional national identity has decided the Japanese emperor as the Japanese national spirit. "and is governed by the Emperor Wanshi; in a limited part of power, although the powers of the emperor have been set out in the Constitution, the power of power outside the provisions of the Constitution actually works." The barrier is to isolate the emperor from the political power, from the curtain. A comparison between the emperor system of the fourth part and the Chinese emperor and the British constitutional monarchy. Compared with the feudal emperor of China, the traditional authority and political power of China For the separation, the political power of the feudal emperor of China is unlimited, but the authority is limited and relative, and the Emperor of the Ming and the Qing is in the opposite direction; and compared with the constitutional monarchy of the United Kingdom, though it has certain constitutional character, it is not complete, and the complete three-power division is not realized. The monarchy in the United Kingdom is the top of the parliament, and the monarchs are not to be treated.
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