[Abstract]:Derivation is the so-called "logic of scientific discovery" put forward by the American pragmatist philosopher Pierce as the third type of aboliable and situational logical reasoning in addition to deduction and induction. The most essential difference between it and the traditional deduction and induction of equal formal logic lies in that derivation is a "logical" method to understand new things and produce new knowledge. After Pierce, the researchers focused on introducing the function of "background knowledge" into deductive reasoning, which promoted the development and perfection of deductive reasoning form, which also made its logic as litigation proof more persuasive and more in line with the practical operation state of litigation proof and factual cognizance. The introduction of deductive reasoning into law will lead to a series of important conceptual changes in the fields of legal facts, evidence, proof and litigation.
【作者单位】: 南昌大学法学院;
【基金】:江西高校重点学科发展基金 江西省“十二五”社会科学规划课题《司法改革背景下的民事证据制度研究》(11FX06) 2012年度江西省高校人文社会科学研究项目《具体举证责任研究》(FX1220)阶段性研究成果
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