本文关键词:检察官权力清单制度初探 出处:《国家检察官学院学报》2016年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 检察官权力清单 员额制 司法责任制 检察改革 检察权配置
[Abstract]:It is an important part of the current procuratorial reform to make a list of the power of the prosecutor. There are three modes of the procurator's power list formulated in various places: the general type, the post type and the exclusion type. The three models have their own characteristics. We should pay attention to three main problems in formulating the prosecutorial power list: the principle of procuratorial organs' handling of cases, the decomposition of procuratorial organs' handling of cases and the strength of procurator general's decentralization. According to the practice, the design of prosecutorial power list should take the post type mode, which should give moderate procuratorial power to the general prosecutors, and ensure that the prosecutors can truly become the independent judicial cases. Specifically, the prosecutorial power list should be divided into three categories: the power list of the Procuratorial Committee (the prosecutor's leadership group), the power list of the chief prosecutor (Deputy procurator general and the full time members of the Procuratorial Committee) and the general prosecutors' power list.
【作者单位】: 最高人民检察院检察理论研究所;
【正文快照】: 为了落实新一轮司法体制改革“谁办案谁负责”的要求,2015年最高人民检察院制定了《关于完善人民检察院司法责任制的若干意见》,明确规定“推行检察官办案责任制,实行检察人员分类管理,落实检察官员额制。检察官必须在司法一线办案,并对办案质量终身负责。”[1]健全司法权力运
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