本文关键词: 基层社会 多元 纠纷 调解 出处:《中国法学》2012年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Under the impact of the market economy, the social dispute resolution mechanism in the southwest ethnic minority areas presents a large number of phenomena, such as the complexity of the mechanism, the weakening of the role of the traditional settlement mechanism, etc. In the new period, In the construction of multiple dispute resolution mechanism in southwest ethnic minority areas, the mediation organization and the court adjudication system should be the center, in particular, the people's mediation organizations must adhere to the non-state nature of the operating mechanism. The process and form of dispute settlement should reflect the characteristics of non-judicial, the operation mechanism of judicial organs should embody the national character, the process of settlement should follow strict formalism and rule by law, and the mediation mechanism of public security should adopt strict "rule by law" doctrine. That is, "strictly according to the law". In the traditional dispute resolution mechanism, we should face squarely, recognize the complementary role of the traditional dispute resolution mechanism, and adopt different ways and mechanisms to make the traditional dispute resolution mechanism become an organic part of the dispute resolution in this area.
【作者单位】: 曲靖师范学院政法学院;
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