[Abstract]:Under the background of the legislative arrangement of the revision of the Company Law, many scholars suggest that the basic principle of "piercing the corporate veil", which complements and perfects the basic principles of limited liability of companies and the independent personality of legal persons, should be introduced into the company law of our country. This paper analyzes the necessity of the introduction of the system from the angle of the direct utility, individual inducement and social inducement of the system, from the angle of the theory of the nature of the enterprise, the individual inducement and the social inducement. Finally, it is pointed out that the introduction of "piercing the corporate veil" system can construct a balanced system between the legal person system, limited liability and the relief and protection of the interests of the stakeholders, thus maintaining the common value goal of the company.
【作者单位】: 四川大学经济学院 四川大学经济学院 四川大学经济学院 西南政法大学
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10 陈p,