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发布时间:2018-08-24 16:45
【摘要】: 国有企业作为我国经济的重要支柱力量,也一直是经济体制改革的重点关注对象。从1993年和2005年两版公司法的量身定制,到金融、证券等资本市场的极力配合,再到2003年成立国有资产监督管理委员会的对口管理,无一不体现国家对推动国有企业改革发展的决心与毅力。 作为国有企业重中之重的中央企业,在国务院国资委的直接监管下,近年来在企业法人治理上更是取得了突破性的进展。以2005年宝钢集团等七家中央企业作为建立和完善国有独资公司董事会第一批试点单位为标志,国有独资公司董事会制度的大幕正式拉开,中央企业从“管理时代”迈向了“治理时代”。 董事会试点的核心是建立一个由外部董事、内部董事(包括职工董事)共同组成的国有独资公司董事会,在董事会中引入超过半数的外部董事,实现董事会内部的权力制衡与监督。然而,“一把手”文化在中央企业中的深厚沉淀,注定“一把手”时代落幕、董事会制度走向前台的过程不可能一帆风顺。 本文结合国有独资公司董事会制度的设立背景、主要内容及推广等客观情况,对国有独资公司实施董事会制度过程中存在的一些问题进行剖析,并提出完善措施,旨在为完善我国国有独资公司的董事会制度提供一定的借鉴。
[Abstract]:As an important pillar of China's economy, state-owned enterprises have also been the focus of economic reform. From the customization of the company law in 1993 and 2005, to the vigorous cooperation of the capital markets, such as finance and securities, and to the establishment of the corresponding management of the State-owned assets Supervision and Administration Commission in 2003, All reflect the determination and perseverance of the state to promote the reform and development of state-owned enterprises. As the most important central enterprise of state-owned enterprises, under the direct supervision of the State Administration and Administration Commission of the State Council, it has made a breakthrough in corporate governance in recent years. Taking seven central enterprises such as Baosteel Group and other central enterprises as the first pilot units to establish and improve the board of directors of wholly state-owned companies in 2005, the curtain of the board of directors system of wholly state-owned companies was officially opened. Central enterprises from the "management era" to the "governance era." The core of the board of directors' pilot project is to establish a board of directors of a wholly state-owned company composed of external directors and internal directors (including employee directors), and to introduce more than half of the external directors in the board of directors. To realize the power balance and supervision within the board of directors. However, the deep precipitation of the culture of "head of the head" in the central enterprise doomed to the end of the era of "the head of the board", and the process of the board of directors going to the front could not be smooth. Based on the background, main content and popularization of the board of directors system of the wholly state-owned company, this paper analyzes some problems existing in the implementation of the board of directors system of the wholly state-owned company, and puts forward some measures to improve it. The purpose is to provide some reference for perfecting the board of directors system of state-owned companies in our country.


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