发布时间:2018-10-30 13:36
【摘要】:随着现代公司规模的日渐扩大,公司资本与股东数量急剧增加(尤其是在股份有限公司中),公司董事会集中了公司越来越多的权力,公司的所有权与控制权发生分离。董事会确立了其在公司中的核心地位,他们对外享有的不受限制的代理权、对内享有公司事务的一般性管理权以及越权行为有效的原则更使其至高无上。由此带来了公司管理中的一大问题,即如何防止董事权力滥用、有效保护公司以及公司中小股东的利益。权力与职责相对应,董事的权力扩张必然要求其承担的责任要加重,公司法需要加强对董事的约束与监督体制。 公司具有独立法人资格,在公司利益受到侵害时应该由自己通过公司意思机构来寻求救济,但有些情况下这样操作会导致不公正:由于现代公司所有与经营权的分离,侵害公司利益的往往是公司董事、大股东或高管,他们掌握着公司的意思机构、执行机构等重要机构,不可能自己起诉自己。此时,法律便赋予符合一定条件的公司股东以代为行使公司诉权的权利,以股东个人名义起诉,胜诉利益由公司享有,以此来保护公司及多数股东之利益。 股东代表诉讼是适应“所有与控制相分离”而产生的公司法律制度,是对公司独立人格和资本多数决原则的否认。他赋予少数股东在公司利益受损而内部救济缺失的情况下直接提起代表诉讼的权利,对约束与监督公司董事侵害公司利益行为可以起到良好的作用,对公司治理结构亦起到重构之效。实际上,不仅公司董事会有可能侵害公司和中小股东的利益,公司大股东、经理等在公司运作中能够起到重要决定性作用的人都可能成为侵犯的主体,而公司外的第三人同样可以因为侵害公司利益而成为股东代表诉讼的被告。 当今世界,股东代表诉讼制度在美国发展的最为完善与成熟,发挥着较大作用,实际上此项制度起源于英国,后逐渐被大陆法系国家移植并进行了本土化发展。我国自确立股东代表诉讼制度以来,缺乏对诉讼程序的具体操作性规定以及相关法律解释,公司股东对代表诉讼了解不够深入,也缺乏提起诉讼的积极性,实践中提起诉讼的案件少之又少,胜诉的案例更是屈指可数,不禁使得这一制度成为了“摆设”。为此,我国立法应从实体规定和程序规则两方面努力完善股东代表诉讼制度,加强对原告提起诉讼的鼓励措施,使这一制度落到实处从而真正起到保护股东以及公司利益的作用。 本文共有六章内容。第一章主要介绍股东代表诉讼制度在我国的发展过程、现状以及完善对股东代表诉讼中原告激励机制的必要性;其余五章分别从股东代表诉讼制度原告的主体资格、股东代表诉讼收费制度、诉讼费用补偿制度、原告的直接受偿权、特殊的举证责任以及诉讼时效等方面介绍了国外股东代表诉讼制度的先进经验,并结合我国现有经济和法律环境就如何建立有效机制来激励公司股东为了公司利益提起股东代表诉讼进行了探讨与制度构建。 不可否认,股东代表诉讼制度可以有利保障公司及中小股东的利益,监督公司高层的职务行为,对现代企业管理模式的建立和完善起到有效的促进作用,但在此过程中还应注意把握平衡,防止过度激励而导致滥诉现象的发生。
[Abstract]:With the increasing scale of modern companies, the company's capital and shareholders increased sharply (especially in the joint stock limited company). The board of directors of the company has concentrated more and more power in the company, and the ownership and control right of the company is separated. The Board established its core status in the company, the unrestricted right of agency they enjoyed, the general management of the internal enjoyment of corporate affairs, and the effective principles of ultra vires action to make it paramount. This brings about a big problem in the management of the company, namely how to prevent the abuse of the director's power, the effective protection of the company and the interests of the small and medium-sized shareholders of the company. The powers and duties correspond to the responsibilities of directors, and the company law needs to strengthen the restraint and supervision system of directors. The company has independent legal personality and should seek relief through the means of the company when the interests of the company are infringed, but in some cases the operation can lead to unfair: because of the separation of all the management rights of the modern company, the interests of the company are often the public A director, a large shareholder, or a high-ranking director of the division who holds an important institution such as the company's means of meaning, executing agency, etc., may not be able to function itself. In this case, the law gives the shareholders of the company that meet certain conditions to exercise the rights of the company's shareholders on behalf of the company, and in the name of the shareholders, the prevailing interests shall be enjoyed by the company in order to protect the company and the majority of the shareholders The shareholder's representative action is the company's legal system that adapts to the 鈥淎ll separation from control鈥,
[Abstract]:With the increasing scale of modern companies, the company's capital and shareholders increased sharply (especially in the joint stock limited company). The board of directors of the company has concentrated more and more power in the company, and the ownership and control right of the company is separated. The Board established its core status in the company, the unrestricted right of agency they enjoyed, the general management of the internal enjoyment of corporate affairs, and the effective principles of ultra vires action to make it paramount. This brings about a big problem in the management of the company, namely how to prevent the abuse of the director's power, the effective protection of the company and the interests of the small and medium-sized shareholders of the company. The powers and duties correspond to the responsibilities of directors, and the company law needs to strengthen the restraint and supervision system of directors. The company has independent legal personality and should seek relief through the means of the company when the interests of the company are infringed, but in some cases the operation can lead to unfair: because of the separation of all the management rights of the modern company, the interests of the company are often the public A director, a large shareholder, or a high-ranking director of the division who holds an important institution such as the company's means of meaning, executing agency, etc., may not be able to function itself. In this case, the law gives the shareholders of the company that meet certain conditions to exercise the rights of the company's shareholders on behalf of the company, and in the name of the shareholders, the prevailing interests shall be enjoyed by the company in order to protect the company and the majority of the shareholders The shareholder's representative action is the company's legal system that adapts to the 鈥淎ll separation from control鈥,