[Abstract]:With the reform of the market economy system and the implementation of the modern enterprise system, the improvement of corporate governance has become a new problem facing the development of the company under the new situation. Among them, employee participation system is the top priority of perfecting corporate governance. The reason is that the system of employee participation plays an important role in perfecting the mode of corporate governance, protecting the rights and interests of staff and workers, and improving the quality of enterprise development. The system of employee participation has been stipulated in Company Law of our country, but there are many problems which need to be improved. Starting from the basic theory of employee participation, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the relevant provisions of domestic and foreign legislation, and puts forward some suggestions to perfect the legislation in view of the defects of our legislation. This article is divided into four chapters: the first chapter: staff participation system overview. This chapter mainly expounds the concept, connotation, historical evolution and basic types of employee participation. Employee participation refers to the participation in the internal affairs of the enterprise and the sharing of the interests of the enterprise. The basic mode of the participation of the staff and workers includes the staff and workers Congress, the directors and supervisors of the staff and workers, the ownership of the staff and workers, and so on. Chapter two: the theoretical basis and significance of employee participation system. This chapter firstly introduces the theoretical basis of employee participation system, including economic democracy theory, corporate social responsibility theory and human capital theory, and then introduces the significance of employee participation system. Chapter three: an overview of the system of employee participation in foreign law. This chapter mainly introduces the system of employee participation in typical foreign countries, which mainly includes the system of employee directors and supervisors in Germany, the ESOP in the United States, the staff Congress in Norway, and the employee tenure system and annual merit system in Japan. After introducing the system of employee participation in these countries, it makes a brief analysis. Chapter four: legislation status, defects and perfection of employee participation system in China. This paper mainly introduces the legislation status of employee participation system in our country, analyzes the legislative defects of employee stock ownership system in China, and finally puts forward corresponding suggestions for perfection combining with the advanced legislative experience of foreign countries and the actual situation of our country.
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