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发布时间:2019-01-08 18:32
【摘要】:公司法人格否认制度中股东责任性质本是一个很有争议的问题,2005年被《公司法》的原则规定使得该问题变得更加扑朔迷离,目前,虽然学者对此研究已形成洋洋宏论,但因角度不同,结论难以统一。考虑到该问题具有很深的理论价值和很广的应用范畴,笔者主张应立足我国的公司实践,对此具体问题具体分析。 公司法人格否认制度的创立目的是防止公司法人人格的滥用,以保护公司债权人及社会公众利益免受不法侵害,我国《公司法》第20条规定由股东承担连带责任,然而连带责任它可以是共同连带责任又可以是补充连带责任,法律仅仅泛泛规定了连带责任,这让实际处理问题时遇到很多问题,司法实践中法官对此难以界定,因此只会做出股东承担连带责任的判决,对于判决的性质以及其他问题就留给了执行阶段,将问题更加复杂化。 按照学者的研究,公司法人格滥用大致分为资本显著不足、人格混同、股东的过度控制、公司形骸化这几种常见情形。 论文从探求公司法人格否认制度的价值追求入手,依照公平与正义的理念,在国内外理论以及实践的基础上通过典型的案例对这几种常见情形下股东的责任进行分析研究,试图通过具体问题具体分析的办法探讨股东连带责任的性质及其承担方式。
[Abstract]:The nature of shareholder liability in the system of denying corporate personality is a controversial issue, which was made more complicated by the principles of Company Law in 2005. But because of the different angle, the conclusion is difficult to unify. In view of the deep theoretical value and wide range of application of this problem, the author proposes that it should be based on the company practice in our country, and analyze the specific problems in detail. The purpose of the system of denying corporate personality is to prevent the abuse of corporate personality in order to protect the creditors of the company and the public interests from unlawful infringement. Article 20 of the Company Law of our country stipulates that the joint and several liability shall be borne by the shareholders. However, joint and several liability can be joint and several liability or supplementary joint liability. The law only generally stipulates joint and several liability, which makes it difficult for the judge to define the joint liability when dealing with problems in practice. As a result, only shareholders will be liable for joint and several judgments, the nature of the decision and other issues left to the implementation stage, will further complicate the issue. According to the research of scholars, the abuse of corporate personality can be divided into several common situations, such as significant capital deficiency, personality confusion, excessive control of shareholders and corporatization. Based on the theory and practice at home and abroad, this paper analyzes the responsibility of shareholders in these common cases by exploring the value pursuit of the denial system of corporate personality, in accordance with the concept of fairness and justice, and on the basis of the theory and practice at home and abroad. This paper attempts to discuss the nature of joint and several liability of shareholders and its way of undertaking through concrete analysis of specific problems.


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