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发布时间:2018-04-17 17:48

  本文选题:海洋 + 生态损害 ; 参考:《天津大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:当前,保护海洋生态环境已成为世界各国普遍关注的热点问题。我国作为海洋大国,随着海洋经济的高速发展,船舶碰撞溢油事故、海上石油勘探溢油事故、石油管道爆炸等事故造成的海洋生态损害事故频频发生,海洋生态利益遭受严重侵害。海洋生态损害成为区别于人身损害和财产损害的新型损害,纳入法律调整领域。国际上对海洋生态损害的索赔提供了可借鉴的有益经验,相比较而言,我国关于海洋生态损害索赔的法律规定比较原则和抽象,导致索赔实践困难重重,因此对海洋生态损害索赔的相关的法律问题进行研究是十分必要的。这也符合我国政府所倡导的社会主义生态文明理念,,同时也是环境法学保护生态的必然使命。 文章第一章介绍了选题背景和意义,国内外研究现状,主要的研究内容和研究方法。第二章提出了海洋生态损害的法学定义,分析了海洋生态损害的主要特点,并对我国的海洋生态损害立法现状和司法实践进行了评析。第三章主要是海洋生态损害索赔的域外经验介绍,具体包括国际公约、国际海事委员会、美国、欧盟的相关规定。第四章提出了我国海洋生态损害索赔主要存在的法律问题,包括作为索赔主体的行政机关不确定,赔偿范围不完善,赔偿额计算依据缺失,第三方评估鉴定机构缺失和公益诉讼原告主体范围狭小五方面。第五章针对之前提出的法律问题有针对性地提出了法律完善建议,包括明确具体的行政机关索赔主体,完善赔偿范围更全面地赔偿损害,构建综合的赔偿额计算依据,建立公正的第三方评估鉴定机构和通过将原告资格扩大至一定的环保性组织完善生态损害公益诉讼。 希望通过本文的研究可以完善海洋生态损害索赔相关法律制度,唤起公众保护海洋生态利益的法律意识。
[Abstract]:At present, the protection of marine ecological environment has become a hot issue in the world.As a large marine country, with the rapid development of marine economy, marine ecological damage accidents caused by ship collision oil spill accident, offshore oil exploration oil spill accident, oil pipeline explosion and other accidents occur frequently.The marine ecological interests have been seriously infringed upon.Marine ecological damage is a new type of damage, which is different from personal damage and property damage.The international claims for marine ecological damage have provided useful experience for reference. In comparison, the comparative principles and abstractions of the legal provisions on claims for marine ecological damage in China have led to numerous difficulties in the practice of claims.Therefore, it is necessary to study the related legal issues of marine ecological damage claims.This also accords with the concept of socialist ecological civilization advocated by our government, and is also the inevitable mission of protecting ecology by environmental law.The first chapter introduces the background and significance of the topic, domestic and foreign research status, the main research content and research methods.The second chapter puts forward the legal definition of marine ecological damage, analyzes the main characteristics of marine ecological damage, and analyzes the present situation and judicial practice of marine ecological damage in China.The third chapter mainly introduces the overseas experience of marine ecological damage claims, including the international conventions, the international maritime committee, the United States, the European Union.The fourth chapter puts forward the main legal problems of the marine ecological damage claim in China, including the uncertainty of the administrative organ as the main body of the claim, the imperfect compensation scope, the lack of the basis for the calculation of the compensation amount.The third-party appraisal appraisal organization lacks and the public interest litigation plaintiff main body scope is narrow five aspects.In the fifth chapter, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the law, including defining the specific subject of the administrative organization's claim, perfecting the scope of compensation to compensate for the damage more comprehensively, and constructing the comprehensive basis for calculating the amount of compensation.Establish fair third party appraisal appraisal organization and perfect the public interest lawsuit of ecological damage by expanding the plaintiff's qualification to certain environmental protection organization.It is hoped that the research in this paper can perfect the legal system of marine ecological damage claim and arouse the public's legal consciousness of protecting marine ecological interests.


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