发布时间:2018-05-07 20:38
本文选题:跨国人口贩运 + 国际法律制度 ; 参考:《武汉大学》2012年博士论文
【摘要】:本文从跨国人口贩运的概念、性质和发展趋势等基本问题入手,通过对打击跨国人口贩运的多边、区域、双边和单边法律制度进行分析,阐明它们的作用和特点,揭示存在的问题,进而剖析整个国际法律制度的成就和缺陷,并对如何完善和发展提出建议。 本文由引言和正文两大部分构成。正文共分为六章。 第一章是人口贩运概述。从人口贩运入手,比较分析跨国人口贩运的概念、性质和其他相关问题,阐释跨国人口贩运的历史和严峻的现状。通过分析,归纳出跨国人口贩运在全球化背景下的发展趋势和特点,继而说明导致该犯罪产生和发展的原因和条件。本章最后说明了该犯罪的危害性,证明对其进行全面国际法律控制实属必要,从而为后文的论证打下基础。 第二章是打击跨国人口贩运的多边法律制度。主要论述联合国打击跨国人口贩运的条约和各机构采取的行动,以及其他重要国际组织打击跨国人口贩运的行动,本章分析了联合国主导的多边法律制度取得的成果,进而指出这一多边法律制度存在国际法规范失衡、执行机制强制力不足、联合国相关机构行动不确定因素过多,国际组织实践也存在矛盾和片面性等问题,表明深入研究跨国人口贩运,弥合各国的差异,共同应对该犯罪的重要性。 第三章是打击跨国人口贩运的区域法律制度——以欧洲为例。通过分析欧洲联盟以刑事司法合作为目标构建的区域立法和司法机制,以及欧洲委员会以保护受害者为核心思想的人权条约体系和强力执行机制,阐明两个区域组织在打击跨国人口贩运方面的各自的功能与优势。与此同时,说明欧洲联盟的制度过于倾向维护联盟安全而非受害者保护与复原,造成欧洲联盟无法全面处理人口贩运现象之后的深层原因;而欧洲委员会的法律制度虽然为受害者提供了最详细、最广泛的保护规定,但却受制与缔约方的模糊态度,前景不明。本章认为,整体而言,欧洲的区域法律制度虽然规定最为成熟具体,但各方面的矛盾也非常突出:为获得更多缔约国而设的断开条款会损害条约的潜在效力,区域规定也凸显欧洲对人口贩运的本质理解偏差,法律规范也存在内部冲突,成员国的消极态度亦会削弱法律制度的作用。最后,建议这两大机构应加强合作,协力构建打击跨国人口贩运的区域联合机制。 第四章是打击跨国人口贩运的双边法律机制——选择性实例分析。考虑到各国在跨国人口贩运中的不同地位,本章选择了美国与加拿大、美国与墨西哥、意大利与阿尔巴尼亚、意大利和波兰的双边合作为实例,分别代表目的地国之间、目的地国与来源地国之间、区域机制下目的地国与来源地国之间的双边合作。实证分析表明,现阶段各国的双边合作虽已取得一定成果,但整体仍处于起步阶段,合作程度层次不齐,效果不够理想。巩固合作基础,加深合作层次,扩大合作范围和方式并促进联合执法行动的开展是改善现状的可行之道。 第五章是中国打击跨国人口贩运的法律制度。从中国对打击跨国人口贩运的需要出发,论述分析中国的单边法律应对机制。指出中国现行的立法过于分散且与条约义务严重不符,存在诸多漏洞而且尚未形成体系;中国的执法缺乏稳定的长效机制,而且执法目的存在偏差,重挡不重治,对于打击跨国人口贩运背后的有组织犯罪集团无法产生实质影响,实际上会使执法机构和受害者陷入恶性循环。因此,必须对中国的立法和执法作出改进,通过制定专门立法、修改现有国内法规范、消除产生该犯罪的诱因,以及建立长效执法机制、以消除有组织犯罪集团为执法目标。 第六章是结论,指出打击跨国人口贩运的国际法律制度面临的问题并作出建议。以前文对多边、区域、双边和单边法律制度的分析为基础,本章指出整个国际法律制度的构建基础并不稳固,规定和执行又存在失衡和功利化的弊病,执行机制则效力不足,在实践中尚未产生明显效果。而且,整个国际法律制度都体现出一种深层次的矛盾——即打击犯罪的全球治理的需要与国际法的不成体系的现实间的矛盾。本章继而认为,对国际法律制度的完善首先需要修改国际立法以确立统一标准,其次要加强实施机制,当然还要促进广范围、深层次的国际合作,并在条件允许的情况下,,寻求国际司法的途径,最后建议加强对该问题的研究,指出弥合各国各地区在打击跨国人口贩运方面的差异,对各方面进行全面考虑的情况下才有可能实现对该犯罪的控制。
[Abstract]:Starting with the concept , nature and development trend of transnational human trafficking , this paper analyzes the multilateral , regional , bilateral and unilateral legal systems against transnational human trafficking , expounds their roles and characteristics , reveals the existing problems , analyzes the achievements and defects of the whole international legal system , and puts forward suggestions on how to perfect and develop .
This paper consists of two parts : Introduction and Body . The text is divided into six chapters .
The first chapter is the summary of human trafficking . From the point of view of human trafficking , the concept , nature and other related problems of transnational human trafficking are analyzed , the history and the characteristics of transnational human trafficking are explained , and the causes and conditions of transnational human trafficking in the context of globalization are summarized . This chapter explains the harmfulness of the crime and proves that it is necessary to conduct comprehensive international legal control , thus laying the foundation for the demonstration of the latter .
Chapter II is the multilateral legal system to combat transnational human trafficking . It mainly deals with the actions taken by the United Nations treaties and agencies to combat transnational human trafficking , as well as the actions taken by other important international organizations to combat transnational human trafficking . This chapter analyses the achievements of the United Nations - led multilateral legal system , and points out that the multilateral legal system has some problems such as the imbalance of norms of international law , the inadequate coercive force of the implementation mechanism , the contradiction between the practice of international organizations and the one - sidedness , etc .
Chapter III is the regional legal system for combating transnational trafficking in human beings . The regional legislative and judicial mechanisms established by the European Union in cooperation with criminal justice , as well as the human rights treaty system and the powerful implementation mechanism of the Council of Europe on the protection of victims as the core ideology , illustrate the respective functions and advantages of the two regional organizations in the fight against transnational trafficking in persons . At the same time , the European Union ' s system is too inclined to preserve the security of the Union rather than the protection and rehabilitation of victims , resulting in the inability of the European Union to fully address the underlying causes of the phenomenon of human trafficking ;
While the European Commission ' s legal system provides the most detailed and broad protection provisions for victims , it is subject to the vague attitude and uncertainty of the parties . This chapter is of the view that , as a whole , the regional legal system in Europe , while providing the most mature and concrete terms , also highlights the potential effectiveness of the treaty in order to obtain more States Parties . The regional provisions also highlight the role of Europe in the nature of human trafficking . Finally , it is recommended that the two institutions strengthen cooperation and work together to build regional joint mechanisms to combat transnational trafficking .
The fourth chapter is the bilateral legal mechanism _ selective case analysis to combat transnational human trafficking . In view of the different status of countries in cross - border human trafficking , this chapter selects bilateral cooperation between the United States and Canada , the United States and Mexico , Italy and Albania , Italy and Poland .
The fifth chapter is the legal system of China ' s fight against transnational human trafficking . From the point of view of China ' s need to combat transnational human trafficking , this paper discusses the analysis of China ' s unilateral legal response mechanism . It points out that China ' s current legislation is too fragmented and seriously incompatible with the treaty obligations , there are many loopholes and have not yet formed the system ;
There is a lack of stable long - term mechanisms for law enforcement in China , and there is a bias in law enforcement purposes , which will not substantially affect the organized criminal groups behind the fight against transnational trafficking , which in practice can lead to a vicious circle of law enforcement agencies and victims . As a result , legislation and law enforcement in China must be improved through the development of specific legislation , the revision of existing domestic law norms , the elimination of incentives for the crime , and the establishment of long - term law enforcement mechanisms to eliminate organized criminal groups for law enforcement purposes .
Chapter 6 is a conclusion , pointing out the problems faced by the international legal system against transnational human trafficking and making recommendations . This chapter points out that the construction of the international legal system is based on the analysis of multilateral , regional , bilateral and unilateral legal systems .
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