本文选题:类比 + 类推 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Different times are facing different problems of international law. At the beginning of the last century, because the development of international law was not enough, he advocated the dilemma that international law could not provide adequate solutions for international disputes by analogy to domestic private law. He considered the analogy to the statute of the permanent International Court of Justice thirty-eighth. The application of "general legal principles recognized by all civilizations". More than 100 years later, international law has been fully developed and there are two trends of fine differentiation and fragmentation. However, there are still only a few rules in some emerging fields of international law. Therefore, it is necessary to turn the light from domestic law analogies to international law analogies and investigate countries. The first chapter of this paper mainly expounds the relevant theoretical background and research status so as to pave the way for the author's full text views and argumentation. First, this chapter provides a generalized concept of analogy. Then, this paper makes a typed classification of analogies. Then three different analogies are proposed and the particularity of the analogy between different branches of international law is discussed. Then, this chapter focuses on the analysis of the origin of the analogy of international law. The author believes that the environment in which international law exerts its function is very different from that of domestic law, which leads to the analogy of domestic law. The second chapter, the third chapter and the fourth chapter are the main part of this article. After collecting and combing the cases, the author finds that the three categories of the generalized analogy can find an example in the international judicial practice and prove its existence. Accordingly, this article is divided into three chapters. The second chapter refines and analyzes the applicable conditions and exceptions of the first category ratio method (analogy argument). This chapter advocates that the premise of the analogy argument is the existence of legal loopholes, while the legal loopholes and the "legal unknown" belong to the two problems of different meaning and can coexist. Secondly, the author thinks that the analogy argument is proved. It can not violate the principle of state consent, and can deduce the implied consent or presupposition consent of the state on the basis of higher rules or reasons. Third, the existence of the self-sufficient system, the inherent power or the international law rules of different rank will restrict the application of the analogy. The third chapter, the author discusses that the international judicial practice is different from the common practice. The characteristics of the legal tradition have the essential difference between the analogy and the precedent. This chapter holds that the second species ratio method is essentially the application of the thirty-eighth first paragraph D of the International Court of justice "judicial precedent as an auxiliary means of determining the rules of the law", which embodies the different use of International Justice and common law for the previous cases. The fourth chapter proposes that the third species ratio method (analogical interpretation) also has the basis of reality. It is an appropriate use of the "any relevant international law rules applicable to the relations between the parties" in the thirty-first article of the Vienna Convention on the law of the Treaty of treaties, and the appropriate use of the thirty-second "contracting parties". The conclusion of this paper is not necessarily the reasoning model of analogy interpretation. The conclusion of this paper, from the perspective of descriptive analysis, normative analysis and functional analysis, points out that the analogy between different branches of international law is both regular, logical and practical, and more importantly, in the country. With the fragmentation of the international law, the analogy between the rules of international law plays an important role in the integration of different rules of international law. It will promote the development of the international law order in the direction of more coordination and coherence.
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