本文选题:SADC + 水道共享协议 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:由于世界上大部分地区正面临着持续增长的主要关于水的质和量的问题的种种挑战,水资源的管理在世界范围内正受到越来越多的关注。这些挑战来源于很多不同的因素,这当中最主要是人口挑战,城市化以及环境恶化的挑战。这些问题在南部非洲发展共同体(即The Southern Africa Development Community,简称SADC)地区比在世界上其他地方更加明显。由于这个地区总得上来说是一个干旱半干旱的地区,所以区域内很多地方均面临着缺水的状况。更糟糕的是,高人口增长率和城市化进程使这一状况更加恶化。这一地区的用水很大程度上依赖过境河流,这些河流大部分是两个或者两个以上的国家所共享的。在这样一种状况下,关于水资源共享的潜在矛盾是存在的并且正在不断地升级。在SADC区域一体化不断推进的过程中,法律的一体化也有条不紊地进行着,并且对于区域一体化的发展起着非常关键的作用。近年来SADC水道共享协议的诞生和发展对于缓和上述矛盾,并且发展南部非洲关于共享水道持续、协调、公平使用的密切合作具有重要意义。这篇文章主要考察的就是SADC水道共享协议的诞生、发展并对协议的缺陷之完善提出了一些作者自己的看法。SADC水道共享协议的诞生以1995协议的缔结为标志,随着1997年联合国关于国际水道非航行使用法公约的出台,SADC水道共享协议也基于它而有所发展,主要表现为目标与原则条款的增加、预设方案和环境条款的细化、水道管理机构的确定、修正案与其他相关协议之关系的明确。尽管融合了国际水资源法律制度的最新发展成果,但是SADC水道共享协议中争端解决机制确定的争端解决诉诸机构SADC法院本身相关机制的缺陷还有协议对“公众参与原则”的忽视,使得SADC水道共享协议体现出了一定的缺陷,这些都应当受到SADC当局的重视并予以完善,作者也就上述问题给出了自己的一些看法。另外,在文章的各章小结中还就SADC水道共享协议对我国相关领域事务的启示作了简要阐述和分析。
[Abstract]:The management of water resources is receiving more and more attention in the world because most of the world is facing a variety of challenges which are mainly related to the quality and quantity of water. These challenges come from a variety of factors, most notably the demographic challenge, urbanization and environmental degradation. These problems are more pronounced in the Southern Africa Development Community than elsewhere in the world. Because the area is generally arid and semi-arid, many parts of the region are facing water shortages. To make matters worse, high population growth and urbanisation have worsened the situation. The region relies heavily on transit rivers, most of which are shared by two or more countries. In such a situation, potential contradictions about water sharing exist and are escalating. In the process of SADC regional integration, the legal integration is proceeding methodically, and plays a key role in the development of regional integration. In recent years, the birth and development of SADC waterway sharing agreement is of great significance to alleviate the contradiction mentioned above, and to develop the close cooperation on the sustainable, coordinated and equitable use of shared waterways in southern Africa. This article mainly investigates the birth of the SADC waterway sharing agreement, develops and puts forward some author's own views on the perfection of the agreement. The birth of the SADC waterway sharing agreement is marked by the conclusion of the 1995 protocol. With the adoption of the 1997 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Non-navigational uses of International watercourses and the SADC watercourse sharing agreement based on it, the SADC watercourse sharing agreement has also developed, which is mainly reflected in the increase of the terms of objectives and principles, the refinement of presupposition schemes and the refinement of environmental provisions. The determination of watercourse management agencies and the clear relationship between amendments and other relevant agreements. Despite the integration of the latest developments in the international legal regime on water resources, However, the dispute settlement mechanism defined in SADC waterway sharing agreement, the dispute settlement mechanism of SADC Court of Justice itself, and the neglect of the "principle of public participation" by the SADC Court of Justice itself, make the SADC waterway sharing agreement manifest certain defects. All these should be taken seriously and perfected by SADC authorities. In addition, the enlightenment of SADC waterway sharing agreement to China's related field affairs is briefly described and analyzed in each chapter of this paper.
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