[Abstract]:Confidentiality has always been regarded as one of the important advantages of international commercial arbitration. Confidentiality is not the main reason for the parties to choose arbitration, but it is an important factor for the parties to consider. In practice, many parties to commercial disputes also highly evaluate the confidentiality of arbitration, believe that it will give the parties to choose commercial arbitration with greater confidence. In recent years, although the arbitration rules and domestic legislation on the confidentiality of international commercial arbitration have increased, there are still many differences in legislation and judicial practice, which leads to many problems in practical application. Therefore, the study of confidentiality of international commercial arbitration has important theoretical and practical significance. This paper studies the confidentiality of international commercial arbitration from four aspects by means of comparative analysis. In the first part of this paper, the concepts of confidentiality and private nature of international commercial arbitration are compared and analyzed, the meaning of confidentiality is explained, and the practical significance of confidentiality of international commercial arbitration is discussed. The second part discusses the legal origin and judicial practice of confidentiality of international commercial arbitration. This paper first expounds the legal origin of confidentiality of international commercial arbitration from two aspects of domestic law and arbitration rules, and then analyzes some classic cases concerning confidentiality of international commercial arbitration in several major countries. From the summary of these countries on the confidentiality of international commercial arbitration position and attitude. The third part discusses the connotation of confidentiality in international commercial arbitration. It mainly focuses on the legal nature, scope of application, subject, restriction and exception, and relief method of confidentiality. Carry on more detailed analysis with time limit etc. It is pointed out that confidentiality exists in international commercial arbitration, but it is not absolute, and it will be excluded under certain circumstances. The last part is the reflection on the confidentiality of international commercial arbitration. This part first analyzes the problems existing in the confidentiality of international commercial arbitration, and puts forward some solutions around the existing problems, and holds that the confidentiality should be explicitly agreed upon before or during arbitration as far as possible. To avoid further disputes. Finally, the article comes to the enlightenment of the confidentiality of international commercial arbitration to our country. By analyzing the present situation of the confidentiality of international commercial arbitration in our country, some suggestions are put forward, such as the confidentiality in the international commercial arbitration should be adhered to. To establish the exception rules of confidentiality of international commercial arbitration.
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