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发布时间:2018-07-16 16:57
【摘要】:2012年国际法院做出的“德国诉意大利案”判决再次引起国际社会对国家管辖豁免问题的关注。对德国二战中违反国际法行为的致人损害,意大利、希腊国内法院均行使司法管辖并作出不利于德国的判决。尽管国际法院判决认为国家行为的违法性并不导致其豁免权的丧失,但对外国国家侵权行为的国内司法管辖早已被国际、国内立法所肯定,部分国家并已有大量相关的案例。涉外国家侵权案件可能将随着国际交往的加深而越来越多,司法解决该纠纷显得十分必要。 本文包括绪论、正文和结语三个部分。在绪论部分,首先对选题的意义、价值进行了说明,并对本文研究视角进行界定,即从传统国际私法中的管辖权、法律适用和判决承认执行等方面开展研究。绪论还对关于涉外国家侵权国内外研究的现状进行总结和述评,同时也指出了本论文开展研究拟运用的主要方法。 正文部分包括六章,主要内容如下: 第一章是对涉外国家侵权若干概念性问题的说明。该章首先指出本文的涉外国家侵权是指受害人为民事主体而关系本身具有国际因素的国家侵权,进而对该关系的特征、类别等问题进行较详细阐述。随后,该章也详细分析国家在涉外国家侵权关系中承担着侵权者、纠纷受理者以及纠纷参与者等多种角色身份。 第二章是关于涉外国家侵权法律冲突问题的介绍。国家侵权赔偿自20世纪初开始逐渐被国际社会肯定,不同国家间的国家侵权赔偿制度差别很大。该章探讨了关于国家侵权归责原则、赔偿行为范围、赔偿损害范围、赔偿标准、赔偿形式等几个核心问题上国家间规定的异同,立法对国家侵权具体问题的巨大差异性决定了受案法院如何选择法律将直接影响案件的最终结果。 第三章是对涉外国家侵权管辖权问题的探讨。该章首先论证了涉外国家侵权应是一个可诉性问题,然后从立法和司法实践的角度介绍了国际社会对该类纠纷确立管辖的具体依据标准。鉴于外国国家侵权是一国所遇涉外国家侵权的重要门类,本章还专门对国家管辖豁免原则对外国国家侵权国内管辖的影响进行详细介绍。尽管管辖权国中具体受理法院的确定是个国内法问题,但国内受案机构的性质、级别、区域问题同样十分重要,该章在考察部分国家的具体做法基础上认为,应确立有重要联系区域的高级别法院对涉外国家侵权案件予以初审。 第四章是关于涉外国家侵权法律适用的论述。本章首先对法律适用的若干理论性问题进行介绍,指出不仅国家行为原则、公法域内适用,国际法性质效力争议等国际公法相关理论,而且国际私法上的实质与程序问题划分论、单一分割论、直接适用法理论、公共秩序保留理论等都对涉外国家侵权的法律适用产生着重要影响。随后本章在考察部分国家在法律适用具体做法基础上,指出国际法中的国际人权法,国家管辖豁免制度,国家责任制度等都可能被援引用来作为准据法;在已有的相关案例中,侵权行为地国家,法院地国家以及其他有密切联系国家的相关国家侵权赔偿制度是受诉国内法院处理案件时的主要国内法依据。 第五章是关于涉外国家侵权判决承认执行问题的探讨。该章首先指出,从承认执行国角度,应将涉外国家侵权判决分为本国法院作出的本国国家侵权判决和外国国家侵权判决,外国法院作出的本国国家侵权判决和外国国家侵权判决等四类。然后在回顾国际社会相关立法和部分国家具体实践做法基础上,指出承认执行国应区分判决类型分别构建相应的域内承认执行制度。 第六章是关于中国涉外国家侵权司法解决制度的建构问题。该章首先探讨如何建构涉外国家侵权管辖权制度,指出中国应确立对域内案件、诉中国国家案件以及其他有密切联系案件的管辖权,涉外国家侵权案件应由国内适宜地域的高级人民法院初审。在法律适用问题上,指出应注意对国际条约和习惯的适用,可考虑区分国家行为性质适用不同法律选择模式,应将法律选择上主观选择方法和客观选择方法都考虑进来。在判决承认执行上,指出中国还没有建立外国法院的国家侵权判决和外国国家的侵权判决的承认执行制度,未来立法不仅应从规制对象上进一步完善,还应确立承认执行主体、程序、方式、条件等具体机制。 结语部分在系统总结本文研究结果之后,还将特别对本论文提及的但还值得商榷指正的几个问题加以强调,如涉外国家侵权案件的普遍民事管辖权确立的可行性问题,行为国域内涉外侵权的专属管辖权问题,国际强行法对国家管辖豁免权的否定问题,非主权行为侵权适用一般冲突规范的可行性问题等。尽管上述问题本文都有一定程度涉及,但还是相当初步的,希望有更多的人投入到涉外国家侵权问题研究中来,希望本文能起到抛砖引玉作用。
[Abstract]:The "Germany v. Italy" decision made by the International Court of justice in 2012 again aroused the attention of the international community on the issue of immunity from national jurisdiction. For the damage to the violations of international law in World War II in Germany, the courts of Italy and the domestic courts of Greece exercised jurisdiction and made a decision against Germany. The illegality does not lead to the loss of its immunity, but the domestic jurisdiction of foreign countries has long been confirmed by international and domestic legislation, and some countries have a large number of relevant cases. The cases of tort involving foreign countries may be more and more with the deepening of international contacts. It is necessary to solve the dispute in the judiciary.
This article includes three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. In the introduction part, first, it explains the significance and value of the topic, and defines the perspective of this article, namely, the research on the jurisdiction of the traditional international private law, the application of the law and the recognition and implementation of the judgment. The introduction also makes a study of the domestic and foreign research on the infringement of foreign countries. Summarizing and commentary, and points out the main methods to be applied in this paper.
The main body of the text consists of six chapters. The main contents are as follows:
The first chapter is the explanation of some conceptual issues of the infringement of foreign countries. The chapter first points out that the infringement of the foreign countries refers to the national tort of the victim as the civil subject and the relationship itself has international factors, and then the characteristics and categories of the relationship are explained in detail. Then, the chapter also analyzes the state in detail in the foreign countries. The tort relationship of the family bears the roles of violators, dispute admissibility and dispute participants.
The second chapter is an introduction to the conflict of legal conflicts between foreign countries. The state infringement indemnity has been gradually affirmed by the international community since the beginning of twentieth Century. The national tort compensation system varies greatly between different countries. This chapter discusses the principle of national tort liability, the scope of compensation, the scope of compensation damage, the standard of compensation and the form of compensation. On several core issues, the differences and similarities between state regulations and the huge difference of legislation on the specific problems of state infringement determine how the choice of law in the case court will directly affect the final result of the case.
The third chapter is the discussion of the jurisdiction of foreign countries. This chapter first demonstrates that the infringement of foreign countries should be a litigious issue, and then introduces the specific criteria for the establishment of jurisdiction in the international community from the angle of legislation and judicial practice. This chapter also gives a detailed introduction to the influence of the principle of immunity of state jurisdiction on the domestic jurisdiction of foreign countries. Although the specific acceptance of the court is a problem of domestic law, the nature, level and regional problems of the domestic subject are also very important. On the basis of it, it is suggested that a high level court with important links should be established to make a preliminary examination of foreign countries' infringement cases.
The fourth chapter is about the application of the tort law of the foreign countries. This chapter first introduces some theoretical questions of the application of the law, and points out the theories related to international public law, such as the principle of state behavior, the application in the public law domain, the dispute of the nature of International law, and the theory of the substantive and procedural issues in the international private law, and the single division theory. The theory of direct applicable law and the theory of the reservation of public order have an important influence on the legal application of the infringements of foreign countries. In this chapter, on the basis of the specific practice of the application of the law, this chapter points out that international law of human rights in international law, the system of immunity of national jurisdiction, the system of state responsibility, etc. may be invoked as a criterion. In the relevant cases, the tort compensation system of the state, the state of the court, the state of the court and other countries with closely related countries is the main basis for the domestic law to deal with the cases by the domestic courts.
The fifth chapter is the discussion about the recognition and enforcement of the foreign countries' infringement judgment. First, it points out that from the point of view of the executive country, it should be divided into the national torts of the national court and the foreign state tort judgment made by the national court, the national tort judgment of the foreign court and the foreign state tort judgment made by the foreign court. The four category. Then, on the basis of reviewing the relevant legislation of the international community and the concrete practice of some countries, it is pointed out that the executive state should distinguish the types of judgment from the corresponding domain recognition enforcement system respectively.
The sixth chapter is about the construction of the judicial settlement system of infringement of foreign countries. This chapter first discusses how to construct the system of jurisdiction of foreign countries, and points out that China should establish the jurisdiction of the cases in the region, the state cases in China and other closely related cases. At the first trial of the people's court, it is pointed out that the application of the international treaties and habits should be paid attention to on the application of the international treaties and habits, and the different modes of choice of law should be considered to distinguish the nature of the state, and the subjective selection method and the objective selection method should be taken into consideration. The state infringement judgment of the hospital and the recognition and execution system of the foreign countries' tort judgments should not only be further perfected from the object of regulation, but also the specific mechanisms, such as the recognition of the subject, procedure, mode and conditions.
After a systematic summary of the results of this study, the conclusion will be emphasized in particular to several questions which are mentioned in this paper, such as the feasibility of the establishment of universal civil jurisdiction in the cases of torts in foreign countries, the exclusive jurisdiction of foreign infringements in the state of the state, and the international law on national jurisdiction. The question of the negation of the right of exemption, the feasibility of the non sovereign act of tort applies to the general conflict norm, etc. Although the above questions are all involved in a certain degree, but still quite preliminary, we hope that more and more people will be put into the study of foreign countries' torts, and I hope this article will play a role.


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