[Abstract]:The conflict rules in the domestic law of the forum country and the conflict rules in the international treaties in force for that country are the source of the private international law of that country. In most countries, private international law has priority to apply the conflict rules in international treaties, but there are three different legislative models in the rules of private international law dealing with conflict rules in international treaties. In the practice of adjudicating foreign civil cases, the substantive law solution is different from the conflict of law solution, only if the case does not meet the applicable conditions of the international entity private law treaty. In order to determine the applicable law according to the conflict rules of the domestic law of the forum country. The choice of an international treaty by the parties to a foreign contract that has entered into force for the State of the forum and other contracting States does not amount to the choice of the applicable law of the contract. If the parties to a foreign contract choose an international treaty that has not yet entered into force for the State of the forum but has entered into force for two or more other States, it can only be regarded as an option for a "non-state rule" that is not legally binding. As procedural issues apply to forum law, procedural matters in foreign civil cases are neither applicable to conflict rules nor to substantive private law rules. The conflict rules of the domestic law of the forum country will not conflict with the rules of international civil procedure law in international treaties.
【作者单位】: 清华大学法学院;
【基金】:德国洪堡基金会(Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung)项目资助
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