[Abstract]:In the international community, there are more and more environmental pollution and damage in the international community, and if nuclear leakage occurs in the process of nuclear energy utilization, the persistence of environmental factors, such as atmosphere, soil, and ocean, is often caused by the environmental impact of trans national boundaries with the biological cycle, and the ring outside the jurisdiction of other countries and countries. As one of the mechanisms of preventing cross-border environmental problems, the transboundary environmental impact assessment system, as one of the mechanisms for preventing cross-border environmental problems, has a solid theoretical accumulation and development prospects. However, in view of its still in its initial stage of development, it is necessary for us to carry out a macro and detailed analysis of the system in order to benefit the system to a wider range. In the peaceful use of nuclear energy, the peaceful use of nuclear energy requires both the demand for the introduction of the cross boundary environmental impact assessment and the legal basis for the introduction of the system. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of the transboundary environmental impact assessment system and the establishment of a system for the implementation of the cross boundary environmental impact assessment procedures in the field of nuclear safety can achieve theoretical value and practice. Through consultation of information communication and preventive measures in advance, it is beneficial to prevent transboundary damage caused by nuclear leakage, strengthen cooperation and exchange between state and state, guarantee the safe use of nuclear energy and avoid the emergence of international disputes. Through historical research, this paper explores the production and development of the cross boundary environmental impact assessment. By using the text analysis method, this paper analyzes the shortcomings and problems of the existing legal norms of the existing cross boundary environmental impact assessment, and makes a full paving for the next step. At the same time, the article mainly uses the method of combining theory and practice, and puts forward the construction of the necessity and feasibility of applying the system of transboundary environmental impact assessment to the field of nuclear safety. The path and way of the nuclear safety cross boundary environmental impact assessment are aimed at establishing a more perfect cross boundary environmental impact assessment system in nuclear safety as an important means to prevent the production of transboundary nuclear pollution.
In addition to the introduction, this article is divided into four parts. The key issues and objectives are to build a transboundary environmental impact assessment system for nuclear safety.
The first part mainly introduces the cross boundary environmental impact assessment, and lays a theoretical foundation for the application of the legal system of nuclear safety. This part first puts forward the concept of the cross boundary environmental impact assessment, then analyzes the significance of the existence of the system and reviews the historical evolution of the emergence and development of the cross boundary environmental impact evaluation. We can realize that although the system has just come into being in recent decades and has not yet formed a global framework convention, its role and value still have a certain space for development in the future. Then the part focuses on the theoretical basis of the cross boundary environmental impact assessment, and points out the principles of international law that refer to the establishment and development of the system, There is an inseparable and interdependent relationship between different principles of international law and the system of cross boundary environmental impact assessment. The principles of international law guide and promote the production and improvement of the latter. The latter is the concrete embodiment and institutional guarantee of the former. Finally, the development of the cross boundary EIA is introduced, and the relationship between the international law and the principles of international law is also introduced. The nuclear safety law system plays a role in building the transboundary EIA.
The second part first analyzes the application of cross boundary environmental impact assessment in three different areas and illustrates with concrete examples. In addition to a number of useful transboundary environmental impact assessment practices (Caspian area as an example) between countries, the global commons need to consider the shared areas and resources among countries in the global commons. In practice, some international financial institutions have taken the cross boundary environmental impact assessment as one of the important conditions for capital lending. Secondly, this part of this part has made a detailed review of the difficulties faced in the application of the cross boundary environmental impact assessment. It is found that the system of cross boundary environmental impact assessment is not comprehensive and clear in terms of information exchange and public participation in the treaty. In practical application, there are many problems in the practical application, such as excessive procedural meaning and poor operability. Therefore, the relevant contents of the system need to be perfected.
The third part, on the basis of the first two parts, focuses on the application of the cross boundary environmental impact assessment in the field of nuclear safety. The characteristics of the possible generation of transboundary damage in the utilization of nuclear energy and the relevant legal provisions call for the application of the system in nuclear safety. The obstacles we face will lay a solid foundation for the next step in the construction of the EIA system in this field.
The fourth part focuses on the analysis of the path of the application of the cross boundary environmental impact assessment in the field of nuclear safety. In the expansion of the two ways to expand the application of the accede to the acceding country directly in the field of nuclear security or the establishment of a transboundary environmental impact assessment system in nuclear safety, the proposed approach is built. Then the part is detailed. The construction method is discussed in detail. It should be enriched in ideas and ideas, get the recognition of the system, improve the content, and play an important role in the International Atomic Energy Agency and international financial institutions. Finally, based on the actual situation of China's law, we should push the establishment of the cross boundary environmental impact assessment in the field of nuclear safety.
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