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发布时间:2018-08-05 20:43
[Abstract]:Under the modern international law of the sea system, the daily fishing operations of fishermen in the sea, especially in some sensitive sea areas, are no longer merely an individual act of fishermen, but are endowed with the political color of declaring a country's maritime sovereignty and jurisdiction. The coastal countries all over the world regard marine living resources as a kind of important strategic resources, competing for each other. In the face of the increasingly serious case of fishing invasion in the South China Sea, China should not only attach importance to the protection of individual fishing rights of its own fishermen, but also regard it as an important part of the national marine rights, and place it in international relations to strive for and maintain it. This article mainly adopts the comparative analysis, the reference literature research method, comparatively comprehensively analyzes our country fishermen in the South China Sea sea area fishing right protection question, the article altogether divides into five parts. The introduction of the article mainly introduces the background and significance of the writing. Due to the particularity of fishermen 'fishing behavior under the international law of the sea system, in recent years, Chinese fishermen in the South China Sea have been harassed by the surrounding countries, and the status quo of fishermen' fishing right protection system at home and abroad is lacking. It is of practical significance and necessity to study the protection of fishermen's fishing rights. The first chapter is about the fishing rights of fishermen in the South China Sea. Through the comparative analysis of the relevant legislation concerning fishing rights in different countries at present, the connotation and nature of fishing rights enjoyed by fishermen in the South China Sea are clarified. Then it analyzes the basis of the law of the sea, the root cause and the current situation of fishing rights of fishermen in China, and draws the conclusion that the protection of fishing rights of fishermen in China is of realistic significance and necessity. The second chapter is a brief review and analysis of the practice of solving fishing disputes in various countries of the international community, in order to protect the fishing rights of Chinese fishermen in the South China Sea. To solve the fishery disputes between China and the neighboring countries in the South China Sea, we can find some successful experiences for reference. The third chapter is based on the successful practical experience of solving fishery disputes in other countries, combined with the characteristics of fishery disputes in the South China Sea, the protection of fishing rights of fishermen in South China Sea not only needs to be protected by state behavior. Also needs the fisherman group own consummation and the development, enhances self-competition ability. In addition, before the final agreement is reached on the maritime delimitation dispute in the South China Sea, which is the root of fishery disputes, the transitional fisheries arrangement for fishery cooperation in the South China Sea can be carried out first, and the concrete cooperation scheme is put forward. At the end of the paper, it is emphasized once again that the fishing behavior of the surrounding countries in the South China Sea against Chinese fishermen is in essence an attempt to invade China's maritime sovereignty and expand its own maritime jurisdiction by expanding its own fishery jurisdiction. It is of great significance to summarize the suggestions made in this paper for the protection of fishing rights in the South China Sea. However, all kinds of uncertain factors should be considered in practice.


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