[Abstract]:The UN, regional and bilateral mechanisms are the basic framework for our international cooperation against corruption. Because the differences in politics, law, culture and other fields are difficult to eliminate, the construction and implementation of multilateral mechanism depend on the compromise among the participating countries, the organizational structure is looser, and the treaty provisions are relatively general, which leads to the lack of practical operation. Compared with each other, the case cooperation under bilateral mechanism has higher utilization rate and success rate, which is the most basic and important form of cooperation in China at present. In order to effectively combat transnational corruption, China has established a normal mechanism for bilateral cooperation with the major target countries of the United States, Canada and Australia, and has achieved good results. It not only improves the realistic predicament of our country's current international cooperation against corruption which is not unified and the result is not ideal, but also plays a good role in drawing lessons from and promoting the international cooperation against corruption between our country and other countries.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学;
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