发布时间:2018-09-11 18:30
【摘要】:全球化时代的来临,也使得腐败呈现出国际化的趋势,腐败的滋生蔓延已然成为世界各国共同面对的公害问题。在当今世界,无论是发展中国家还是发达国家,无论是社会主义国家还是资本主义国家,无不受到腐败现象的困扰。腐败在未来将成为全世界共同面临的最大挑战。 2003年,第五十八届联合国大会审议通过了《联合国反腐败公约》,并于2005年正式生效。而如何使其真正的有效执行也越来越成为各国关注的焦点,,各国反贪机构都期待有一个独立、专门的组织推动彼此沟通、增进务实合作。2006年国际反贪局联合会正是在这样的背景条件下成立的,它的成立为今后世界反贪工作的深入开展起到了重要的推动作用。 文章从国际组织法的角度对国际反贪局联合会进行研究。通过对国际反贪局联合会成立的背景、成立过程进行考察,对其组织性质及其法律地位进行分析,首先勾勒出国际反贪局联合会的整体。对国际反贪局联合会的制度即组织章程进行阐述并分析解读,笔者在会员资格申请及表决程序方面提出了可以增加“优惠条件”原则和“协商一致”原则。重点探讨了国际反贪局联合会的对外职能,并结合其成立四年多来所取得的成绩及不足的实践情况进行分析,在对其他国际组织的反腐败措施进行研究的基础上,对国际反贪局联合会职能的完善提出应当体现在建立信息交换机制、加强各反贪机构之间的技术支持、利用新闻媒体的作用、推动相关法律法规完善四个方面的建议。最后探讨了中国与国际反贪局联合会的相互关系,中国作为国际反贪局联合会的主席国,理应不遗余力地推动其发展,促使其在反腐败国际合作领域发挥其应有的作用。
[Abstract]:The advent of the era of globalization has also made corruption take on an international trend. The breeding and spreading of corruption has become a common public hazard for all countries in the world. It will be the biggest challenge facing the world.
In 2003, the 58th United Nations General Assembly adopted the United Nations Convention against Corruption and formally entered into force in 2005. How to make its true and effective implementation has become the focus of attention of all countries. Anti-corruption agencies of all countries are looking forward to an independent, specialized organization to promote mutual communication and enhance practical cooperation. It is against this background that the Federation of bureaus and bureaus was established, which has played an important role in promoting the further development of the world anti-corruption work in the future.
This paper studies the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities from the perspective of international organization law. Through the background of the establishment of the Federation of International Anti-Corruption Authorities, the process of its establishment and the analysis of its organizational nature and legal status, it first outlines the whole of the Federation of International Anti-Corruption Authorities. The author puts forward the principle of "preferential terms" and "consensus" in membership application and voting procedure. The paper mainly discusses the external functions of the Federation of International Anti-Corruption Authorities, and analyzes the achievements and shortcomings of the Federation in the past four years. On the basis of the research on the anti-corruption measures of international organizations, this paper puts forward four suggestions for the improvement of the functions of the Federation of International Anti-Corruption Authorities: establishing an information exchange mechanism, strengthening technical support among anti-corruption organizations, utilizing the role of the media, and promoting the improvement of relevant laws and regulations. As the chairman of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities, China should spare no effort to promote its development and make it play its due role in the field of anti-corruption international cooperation.
[Abstract]:The advent of the era of globalization has also made corruption take on an international trend. The breeding and spreading of corruption has become a common public hazard for all countries in the world. It will be the biggest challenge facing the world.
In 2003, the 58th United Nations General Assembly adopted the United Nations Convention against Corruption and formally entered into force in 2005. How to make its true and effective implementation has become the focus of attention of all countries. Anti-corruption agencies of all countries are looking forward to an independent, specialized organization to promote mutual communication and enhance practical cooperation. It is against this background that the Federation of bureaus and bureaus was established, which has played an important role in promoting the further development of the world anti-corruption work in the future.
This paper studies the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities from the perspective of international organization law. Through the background of the establishment of the Federation of International Anti-Corruption Authorities, the process of its establishment and the analysis of its organizational nature and legal status, it first outlines the whole of the Federation of International Anti-Corruption Authorities. The author puts forward the principle of "preferential terms" and "consensus" in membership application and voting procedure. The paper mainly discusses the external functions of the Federation of International Anti-Corruption Authorities, and analyzes the achievements and shortcomings of the Federation in the past four years. On the basis of the research on the anti-corruption measures of international organizations, this paper puts forward four suggestions for the improvement of the functions of the Federation of International Anti-Corruption Authorities: establishing an information exchange mechanism, strengthening technical support among anti-corruption organizations, utilizing the role of the media, and promoting the improvement of relevant laws and regulations. As the chairman of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities, China should spare no effort to promote its development and make it play its due role in the field of anti-corruption international cooperation.
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