[Abstract]:It can be seen from the course of the emergence and development of international non-governmental organizations that they have not only become important participants in the relevant fields of modern international law, but also, with the advent of the era of globalization, the concept of civil society has gradually taken root in the hearts of the people. Their social role is increasingly indispensable. At the same time, as these organizations themselves strive for their legal and social status, the impact of international non-governmental organizations on international law continues to grow on a global scale. From the rights or obligations originally conferred on them by certain international treaties, to the acquisition of consultative status with the United Nations, and even to their participation in international judicial activities and the formulation of international rules, This process shows the progress and development trend of the legal status of international NGOs in international law. After reform and opening up, international non-governmental organizations entered China to carry out activities. Although the scope, breadth and depth of their activities in China have greatly improved after more than 30 years of development, under China's current legal system, Most international NGOs in China have failed to obtain the appropriate legal status in the host country, or the necessary legal support for social activities. This is not conducive to its own activities, nor to the management and guidance of Chinese governments at all levels. In view of this, the author combines with his own experience in the study of international law, contrasts with the current situation and development trend of the legal status of international non-governmental organizations in the field of international law, and analyzes the present situation and development constraints of international organizations in China. This paper makes a systematic study on how to improve the formulation of the management laws and regulations of international non-governmental organizations in China, and puts forward some corresponding policy suggestions in the hope of learning summary and combing the working ideas at the same time. Can play a positive role in relevant theoretical research and policy-making process.
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