发布时间:2018-10-09 16:39
【摘要】:改革开放以来,中国对外贸易迅速腾飞,贸易顺差不断扩大。各国为了自身经济利益的需要,加强了对来自中国的产品实施贸易保护的力度。相对于关税保护措施,非关税贸易措施更被各国所运用,在这些非关税贸易措施中,针对中国的反补贴措施是最近几年才开始的。由于反补贴调查只针对市场经济,因此没有对中国的反补贴调查。但从2004年加拿大对我国户外烧烤架进行反补贴调查开始,各国相继承认中国的市场经济地位或修改国内的反补贴法以方便对中国展开反补贴调查,针对中国的反补贴调查不断增加并迅速蔓延。 中国作为发展中国家,虽然经济取得了巨大的发展,但中国产业还处于萌芽发展时期,从自身的基本国情出发制定适合幼稚产业发展的政府扶持政策是这些产业成熟壮大的必要手段。补贴作为中国政府促进经济发展的政策措施有其存在的合理性。但中国政府在加入WTO时承诺,中国在入世后应取消与WTO《SCM协定》不相符的补贴措施。虽然,我国在入世后对大量的补贴措施进行了修改和清理,但是地方各级政府还存在大量的出口补贴措施,这些补贴措施成为他国对中国产品发起反补贴调查的隐患。面对各国针对我国出口产品的反补贴调查,本文试图以案例分析的形式,探讨我国产品遭遇他国反补贴调查所争论的焦点问题,,其所涉及的法律问题,就如何完善我国有关补贴与反补贴措施提出建议,以应对各国的反补贴调查。本文由引言、正文、结语三部分组成。引言主要分析选题的原因及研究的目的和意义。结语是在分析了案例之后,得出的结论及对将来的反补贴前景进行分析。正文由五部分组成的: 第一部分“案由”。美国、危地马拉、墨西哥等诉中国的“名牌”产品补贴案。 第二部分“案情介绍”。这部分首先说明了案例的来源及涉案的各方,然后介绍整个案件的进程,最后重点说明案件中涉及了哪几类中国各级政府的措施。 第三部分“本案争议之焦点和双方之分歧”。这部分是围绕本案中各方的争论焦点展开的,本案中双方争论的焦点问题有三个,即:政府给予企业的奖金、补助等措施是否构成WTO《SCM协定》下的出口补贴;政府的鼓励政策是否违反中国在WTO协定中的相关义务;地方政府政策措施能否构成《WTO协定》中的措施。该部分围绕本案双方争论的焦点问题进行分析介绍。 第四部分“争议所涉相关问题之理论研究”。该部分首先介绍了WTO《SCM协定》下关于补贴的定义及分类,重点介绍补贴的专向性及禁止性补贴,以方便对是否存在补贴做出判断。接下来就本案涉及的补贴方面的法律问题在《SCM协定》和《农业协定》项下分别进行分析。 第五部分“完善我国补贴和反补贴规则之建议”。该部分首先对上述案例中反映出的我国补贴和反补贴现状及存在的问题进行总结,根据中国的现状来看,不能全盘否定补贴,在中国补贴有其存在的合理性,接下来是针对中国补贴和反补贴的不足方面提出一些完善的建议,以有助于中国完善补贴制度和更好地应对他国的反补贴措施。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening-up, China's foreign trade has taken off rapidly and the trade surplus has been expanding. In order to meet the needs of their own economic interests, countries have strengthened the enforcement of trade protection against products from China. Compared with tariff protection measures, non-tariff trade measures are more used by countries. In these non-tariff trade measures, anti-subsidy measures against China have not started in recent years. As anti-subsidy investigations only target market economy, there is no countervailing investigation into China. But from 2004, Canada began a countervailing investigation on our outdoor barbecue grill, which countries recognized China's market economy status or modified domestic anti-subsidy law to facilitate the anti-subsidy investigation of China, and the anti-subsidy investigation against China has been increasing and spreading rapidly. As a developing country, China, as a developing country, has made great progress in the economy, but the Chinese industry is still in the embryonic development period. From its own basic situation, it is necessary to formulate the government support policy suitable for the development of the juvenile industry Means and subsidies as the policy measures of the Chinese government to promote economic development However, when China joins WTO, the Chinese government promises that China should cancel the subsidies that do not accord with the WTO
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening-up, China's foreign trade has taken off rapidly and the trade surplus has been expanding. In order to meet the needs of their own economic interests, countries have strengthened the enforcement of trade protection against products from China. Compared with tariff protection measures, non-tariff trade measures are more used by countries. In these non-tariff trade measures, anti-subsidy measures against China have not started in recent years. As anti-subsidy investigations only target market economy, there is no countervailing investigation into China. But from 2004, Canada began a countervailing investigation on our outdoor barbecue grill, which countries recognized China's market economy status or modified domestic anti-subsidy law to facilitate the anti-subsidy investigation of China, and the anti-subsidy investigation against China has been increasing and spreading rapidly. As a developing country, China, as a developing country, has made great progress in the economy, but the Chinese industry is still in the embryonic development period. From its own basic situation, it is necessary to formulate the government support policy suitable for the development of the juvenile industry Means and subsidies as the policy measures of the Chinese government to promote economic development However, when China joins WTO, the Chinese government promises that China should cancel the subsidies that do not accord with the WTO