[Abstract]:Two problems need to be solved in the formulation of international seabed area mining regulations: the construction of a commercial development model under the principle of common heritage of mankind and "ensuring the effective protection of the marine environment". In 2012, the International seabed Authority initiated a regulatory process in which different stakeholders put forward many different views and claims: potential developers considered that the environmental impact of deep-sea mining was less than that of land-based mining and advocated a low tax rate to encourage development; Environmentalists argue that deep-sea mining could seriously damage the marine environment and advocate high regulatory and compensatory mandatory standards. Based on the strategic demand, China puts forward the principles of balance between resource utilization and environmental protection, commercial exploitation and sustainable development, and makes positive response to regulations to safeguard our country's rights and interests.
【作者单位】: 中国大洋矿产资源研究开发协会;中南大学;
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