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发布时间:2018-10-31 11:02
[Abstract]:The Energy Charter Treaty is an important embodiment of the globalization of energy cooperation. It regulates all stages of energy investment, energy transit, energy trade, and so on. It is the first multilateral treaty to include both investment protection and energy trade; it is the first to apply energy transit clauses in energy networks. Since its entry into force in 1998, the Treaty has provided institutional safeguards for global cooperation in the field of energy, ECT's investment dispute settlement mechanism resolves investment disputes between investors and host countries and investment disputes between home and host countries. The investor-state arbitration procedure is the most strict dispute settlement mechanism between investor and host country. It stipulates the compulsory arbitration procedure between the investor and the host country, and provides the strongest protection for the relief of the host country to the investor. The investment dispute settlement mechanism of ECT enriches the theory and practice of the international energy investment dispute settlement. For the energy investment dispute settlement provides the power. Starting from (ECT), this paper summarizes the causes, main contents and organization of the Energy Charter Treaty. Then, from the aspects of investor-host country investment dispute settlement mechanism and home country and host country investment dispute settlement mechanism, this paper introduces the content of the investment dispute settlement mechanism of the "Energy Charter Treaty" and the core and inheritance of the dispute settlement mechanism. The characteristics of innovation, blending, and concreteness. Then the investment dispute settlement mechanism of ECT is compared with that of ICSID and WTO from different angles. Finally, starting from the current situation of energy investment dispute settlement in China, this paper discusses the enlightenment of the investment dispute settlement mechanism of the "Energy Charter Treaty" to China: our country thinks that the protection of investors and the sovereignty of our country in the ECT investment dispute settlement mechanism. The economic interests still need to be balanced, and the higher standard of ECT investment protection has the risk of our country being subject to international arbitration by investors, but the risk is still within the scope of control. In the part of how to strengthen the energy cooperation between our country and other countries, I think we can make more perfect energy policy, create a more suitable environment for energy investment, and introduce more energy investors. With the entry of overseas investors and the increase of advanced energy technology and professionals, our country can make use of the connotation of ECT mechanism, enhance the competitiveness of domestic energy investment, and strengthen energy cooperation with other countries. In conclusion, the author thinks that China should join the ECT.. This paper examines the effect of treaty application through temporary application clause, at the same time consummates domestic energy legislation, trains professionals in energy field, and deeply studies ECT, to formally sign ECT escort for our country.


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